<strong>Why You Should Still Use Email Marketing</strong>

Email Marketing

Why You Should Still Use Email Marketing

According to some, emails are an already outdated means of communication, which only benefits companies that spend their budget on sending them. Instead, Email marketing is still going strong, and you should know it in depth to take advantage of all the opportunities it offers you.

You need to understand how to collect emails from prospects, send techniques and tools, write the content, the opening rate, and much more. The good news is that most automated email delivery systems today have tracking methods for nearly all of these critical areas.

Although most of the processes today can be automated, it is always essential to know what works best in email and how to continue implementing your email marketing strategies. Here are 35 exciting statistics to help you grow your business with email.

35 Email Marketing Stats To Help You Grow Your ROI

Email marketing is one of the most potent and effective forms of lead generation today. According to the Mailup statistical observatory, in 2018 in India, 13 billion emails were sent for marketing purposes, with an opening rate of 21%, a good 12.7% more than in 2017. Below is the data collected by AfterOffers.com  and Teraplan from the leading data management companies in the sector that every brand, company, and marketer should know.

How To Structure An Email

  1. Messages  between 50 and 125 words perform best (Response Rate is over 50%)
  2. The ideal length (with a greater possibility of opening) of the title is 65 characters.
  3. Including a Call to Action in the form of a button in the email can increase conversions by 28% compared to a simple text link.
  4.  56% of companies that use emoji in the title of their emails get a higher percentage of messages opened
  5. In which GIF images are inserted in the body of emails, campaigns recorded a 6% increase in the Open Rate, 42% in the Click-Through Rate, 103% in the conversion rate, and a 109% growth in the scope of turnover.

Automated Emails

  1. Transactional emails  ( those sent immediately after purchase to confirm an order or product shipment) are opened and clicked on eight times more than any other type of email and can generate six times more profit.
  2. 95% of businesses using marketing automation leverage direct email marketing and benefit from it
  3. Marketers leveraging email automation have calculated a 50% conversion rate.
  4. Automated email messages (i.e., sent automatically depending on the occurrence of certain conditions or situations, and therefore more contextualized as well as personalized in content) obtain an opening rate better than 70.5%  and a CTR (Click-Through Rate) up to  152%  higher than traditional email.

Email And Mobile

  1. About 53% of emails are opened on mobile devices.
  2. 23% of readers who open an email on mobile will open it again later on the same or another device
  3. 75% of Gmail users open their inbox on mobile

Companies That Use Email

  1. The open email rate increases if the company sends at least two monthly emails.
  2. 56% of businesses currently use an email marketing provider
  3. 83% of B2B marketers use newsletters for content marketing

Personalized Emails

  1. Personalized emails improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%
  2. Personalized emails have 6x higher conversion rates.
  3. 81% of online shoppers who receive emails based on previous shopping habits are at least likely to purchase due to targeted emails.
  4. Only 39% of online sellers send personalized product suggestions via email.
  5. Yet, 74% of marketers believe personalizing messages will increase consumer engagement.
  6. Marketers have seen an average 20% increase in sales when using personalized shopping experiences on the web.

Email Vs. Social Networking

  1. 72% of people prefer to receive promotional content via email, compared to 17% who prefer social media
  2. Emails are 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter.
  3. An email is five times more likely to be seen than a Facebook message.
  4. 90% of the emails you send end up in the correct inbox folder, while only 2% of your Facebook followers see your posts in their News Feed

Email ROI (Return On Investment)

  1. Email marketing has a 3800% ROI
  2. In 2017, the average ROI from these types of campaigns was  $44 for every dollar spent
  3. Marketers have seen a 760% increase in revenue from segmented campaigns.
  4. The ROI of emails is 28.5% compared to 7% for Direct Mail.
  5. 53% of marketers say ongoing, personalized communications with loyal customers have a moderate or significant impact on revenue
  6. 4.24% of visitors to the site coming from an email buy something against 2.49% of visitors coming from search engines and 0.59 from social networks

Frequency Of Use Of Emails

  1. 92% of adults who access the internet use email, and 61% do so daily.
  2. Company employees spend an average of 13 hours a week with their mailbox open.
  3. 57% of those who have subscribed to newsletters spend between 10 and 60 minutes a week opening and loading emails for commercial purposes.

Read Also: Google My Business For Local Businesses

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