Why Use Artificial Intelligence Applied To Your Business?

Why Use Artificial Intelligence Applied To Your Business?

Why Use Artificial Intelligence Applied To Your Business?

Using artificial intelligence (AI) in business is increasingly ordinary and necessary for the evolution of processes. The concept can be explained as electronic devices and programs that function similarly to human thinking and decision-making.

Jobs, New Functions, And Productivity From Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence courses are popping up frequently at various colleges. The demand for technical skills in this area has grown, and many job openings are being created.

The expectation raised by The Future of Jobs report was that, by 2020, 133 million jobs would be created, including the emergence of several new functions to meet the demands of artificial intelligence in the world. These are innovative vacancies in ​​technology, marketing, sales, finance, medicine, and many others.

In terms of business, the mindset of leaders of many companies is more open to adopting artificial intelligence in the management of their companies. Currently, 40% already believe using AI is crucial to increasing productivity.

Come and understand the basics of Artificial Intelligence, its advantages, and how it applies to everyday life just below!

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

AI is the use of technology through a complex set of algorithms powered by information (data), used to make decisions focusing on meeting your business’s needs and quickly solving everyday problems.

From this understanding, it is possible to raise some related concepts, they are:

Machine Learning

‍From the development of AI, machines gained the ability to learn and develop by themselves, a skill we call machine learning. “Machine learning,” in literal translation, is possible thanks to its ability to correlate a high volume of data and make autonomous decisions.

It is as if the machine learns from examples of decisions made in situations and, from there, discovers a pattern of decision-making. For this, it is necessary to feed the technology with this data.

This technology has made everyday life easier, making various activities more efficient and faster. Still, she gains the ability to learn from mistakes and starts to avoid them, especially in repetitive processes. Machine learning has evolved and can adapt to natural market changes without new programming.

Deep Learning And How Does It Work?

The development of machine learning allowed the emergence of an even more advanced concept.

Deep learning consists of advanced neural network methods inspired by the human brain’s ability to learn and generalize. In this sense, neural networks are more developed and have a more remarkable ability to extract and represent information.

Examples of deep learning can be found in functions such as sound and image recognition and search recommendation on search engines. 

‍To better understand what artificial intelligence is for, it is necessary to see some practical examples of its application. Check out the ones below:

Examples Of Applications Of Artificial Intelligence

Autonomous Vehicles

‍More and more you hear about cars that don’t need a driver to transport people. Autonomous vehicles work through AI and other technologies that help the car identify where the road is, if there are any obstacles, and which way to go.

The idea is to reduce and perhaps even eradicate the number of car accidents in cities and on highways. Even cars that can be driven manually are getting help from this technology to avoid accidents, such as proximity alerts and the need to break in advance.

Medical Processes

In the medical field, AI is used to perform surgeries; for example, robots are handled remotely by doctors from anywhere in the world. This increases the precision of the treatment, reaching tiny parts of the human body and making it more difficult to be operated by the professional’s hand, in addition to eliminating the factor of physical distance between doctor and patient.

Mobile Voice Assistants

Another application of AI is the voice assistants of cell phones and other devices, which recognize the owner’s voice and obey commands without the person having to type or manually search for a function.

Two other uses of Artificial Intelligence are in ocean and space exploration, where research is being carried out through satellites that use AI for quick reading and interpretation of data, in addition to its use in mining ores, where intelligent machines are programmed to extract ores and avoid accidents with the human workforce.

Artificial Intelligence In Companies

Some examples of the use of AI in companies are:

  • Financial management – technology can make financial management more efficient through detailed reporting, analysis of spending patterns, and tips on managing costs effectively.
  • Monitoring – with the correct feeding of data and very detailed reports, artificial intelligence allows better tracking of a company’s results, enabling faster and more efficient decision-making.
  • Repetitive activities – Artificial Intelligence is the mechanism to decrease the time of repetitive movements, minimize errors and rework, process better data, and provide more detailed reports.
  • Financial operations – AI also protects the company’s confidential banking data, prevents fraud, and performs threat monitoring. In addition, you can find solutions to solve highly complex operations which always follow a pattern, such as the calculation of taxes.
  • Customer service – Another increasingly popular example is chatbots, which provide customer service, answer questions and serve as a first contact with the company. Technology can answer questions faster by being fed ready-made answers to common questions.

Also Read: AI And Health: How Can AI Prevent Disease?

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