Who Is The Cybersecurity Manager, & Why Is He Strategic For The Business

Cybersecurity Manager

Who Is The Cybersecurity Manager, & Why Is He Strategic For The Business

All private companies that have competitive ambitions, but also public bodies that manage enormous quantities of sensitive data, can only do with an IT security manager today. Identification of this role and why it is not easy to hire the right one. Defenders of our digital privacy, custodians of the information that flows through interconnected networks, cybersecurity managers sniff out and fight cyber threats, develop strategies to prevent the risks of hacker attacks and monitor digital infrastructures, ensuring their security and resilience. 

Indispensable to guaranteeing the smooth running of business life, the cybersecurity manager is one of the most requested professions between now and the next five years and probably even beyond. This means that a new challenge opens up for HR.

Cybersecurity Is A Priority For Companies

According to what was reported by Clusit, the Italian Association for IT Security represents over 500 organizations belonging to all sectors of the country system; in 2023, cyberattacks have increased constantly throughout the world, recording 1,382 severe incidents in the first half of the year alone and an increase of 11% compared to the same period in 2022, the highest ever. In India, the increase was even more significant, with 132 attacks detected in the first half of 2023 and a 40% increase compared to 2022. Furthermore, an impressive 74% of large Italian organizations noticed an increase in attempted attacks, while 12% reported having experienced consequences from such cyber incidents. 

Fortunately, as the latest edition of the Cybersecurity & Data Protection Observatory of the School of Management of the Polytechnic of Milan tells us, Italian companies, both large and SMEs, are very clear about the importance of raising the level of cybersecurity, which now it has become one of the digital investment priorities with 62% of large organizations declaring they intend to increase spending on this item. It is clear, therefore, that given this context, the figure of the cybersecurity manager will become increasingly strategic for the success of the company and, indeed, for its very survival.

Hiring A Security Specialist Is A Challenge For HR

Selecting the right cybersecurity manager is, therefore, crucial and goes beyond the simple act of filling an empty position. It’s about entrusting a professional with the task of protecting your digital assets, reputation and the future of your company. However, for medium-sized companies, hiring an IT security manager can represent a complex challenge, primarily considering the fact that these figures need to be offered competitive salaries, limiting the ability to attract high-level talent. Furthermore, the lack of internal expertise to evaluate candidates can make it challenging to identify the best profile for the organization. 

Part of the monetary remuneration that cannot be offered can be compensated by providing diversified benefits, such as performance bonuses or continuous learning opportunities. Furthermore, to attract candidates, some strengths can be exploited, such as the flexible working environment and the possibility of rapid growth. Working with specialized recruiting agencies can also help evaluate candidates more accurately.

Who Is The Cybersecurity Manager, And What Does He Do

In any case, whether you rely on an external agency for the selection or not, it is helpful to have a clear identity of the cybersecurity manager to have more precise ideas during the recruiting process. The cybersecurity manager is a professional specializing in the application and implementation of IT security policies in the company. 

By staying constantly updated on emerging threats and technologies, you ensure your business remains protected in an increasingly complex and continually changing IT environment. The role involves a number of critical responsibilities, including defining security strategies and standards, participating in the drafting of security policies, analyzing risks and threats and managing the incident response plan.

This figure is responsible for preserving the integrity of company data and infrastructure, coordinating cyber defenses, recoveries after attacks and constant risk assessments. Additionally, the cybersecurity manager oversees the work performed by a team of IT professionals, ensuring the implementation of security protocols and procedures, conducting regular vulnerability assessments, and leading incident response in the event of a security breach.

The Training Path For Those Who Work In The Security Field

Becoming a cybersecurity manager requires a combination of education, certifications, and field experience. These people often have a degree in computer science or computer engineering and often have a specialization in cybersecurity. The specific master’s degrees in information security management offered by many universities can also open up exciting job prospects.

Certifications – CEH, ECSA, CISSP, CISM – play an essential role in the training path of the IT security manager: they allow the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills that make candidates more attractive to employers. Field experience is equally essential. In fact, most employers prefer IT security managers with several years of experience in the sector.

The Skills Of A Cybersecurity Manager: Hard Skills And Soft Skills

This role requires a diverse set of skills, both hard and soft, that prepare him to face operational, managerial and organizational challenges. Among the hard skills, the manager must have a solid knowledge of IT resources to evaluate the state of the company infrastructure and identify flaws and vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, risk management is essential to assess the most relevant cyber threats to the company and to plan countermeasures adequately. The ability to manage the process of responding to cyber attacks is equally important to minimize the resulting damage. In addition to technical skills, there are also soft skills that a cybersecurity manager must possess. These include a strong project management orientation, practical communication skills, analytical thinking and problem-solving, and an ability to work in a team.

Furthermore, the ability to balance organizational objectives with security needs requires strategic vision and effective integration between different business functions. Interpersonal skills are critical for collaborating with colleagues and stakeholders across the organization. This mix of technical and soft skills allows the IT security manager to fully and effectively address the challenges of her role.

How Much Does A Security Specialist Earn In India?

To have a reference benchmark, the average salary for a cybersecurity manager in India is 63,000 euros per year. The average additional remuneration in cash is 8,000 euros, with a fluctuation from 3,993 euros to 20,000 euros. The information comes from Glassdoor, was updated in February 2024 and is based on 20 salaries submitted anonymously to the platform by employees in this role.

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