Use Storage On AWS For free


Use Storage On AWS For free

Amazon offers numerous storage services on its AWS cloud platform. In this article, we show what practical uses there are for the various storage systems in AWS – for example, the option of storing data in Amazon S3 free of charge. Amazon also makes some storage features available through its free tier in its AWS cloud service. With a free account on AWS, it is, therefore, possible to save in the cloud for at least 12 months, sometimes forever, free of charge. Free services include:

  1. Amazon S3 (5 GB free for 12 months),
  2. Amazon CloudFront (50 GB free for 12 months),
  3. Amazon EFS (5 GB free for 12 months),
  4. Amazon Elastic Block Store (30 GB free for 12 months),
  5. Amazon Glacier API (10 GB permanently free),
  6. AWS Storage Gateway (100GB free forever).

Use Amazon S3 For Free In Practice

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is the most popular cloud storage on AWS. Object storage is one of the most widely used cloud storage and is also one of the essential services in AWS. The block storage allows uploading any data and amount of data. It then stores the data in blocks. The AWS S3 Free Tier will enable you to keep 5GB of data for 12 months. Also included are 20,000 Get requests and 2,000 Put requests. A new bucket can be created in the admin console to use S3. To do this, search for S3 and click on “Create bucket” in the dashboard of S3. During creation, you can also select the region to create the bucket. The data stored in this container will also be located here later. There are numerous advanced settings, but these are only optional. 

To create a general settings bucket, the default options are sufficient. If the data in the bucket is to be versioned, this option can be defined during creation. This is helpful for documents, for example. After clicking on the created bucket, data can already be uploaded to the memory. The “Upload” button is available for this purpose. New folders can be made in the Browser with “Create folder.” S3 is suitable for storing standard files like documents, pictures, and videos. Complete directories can also be uploaded via the upload. By clicking on a file, the dashboard displays the information about it. It is also possible to download and open files via buttons at the top.

This works directly in the web browser. Adjustments can be made to the bucket via various tabs. The authorizations can also be changed later. If you want to access S3 more frequently, you can download the free “S3 Browser” tool. If you’re going to work permanently with the S3 Browser commercially, you must license the tool. The agency also supports Amazon CloudFront. This service can also be used for up to one year with a data volume of 50 GB. “Transmit 5” is another tool that can also be used to access other cloud storage devices. This includes Microsoft Azure, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and various WebDAV storage.

Use Amazon CloudFront For Free

Amazon provides a Content Delivery Network (CDN) with CloudFront on AWS. You can use up to 50 GB of data and 2 million views for free. The main focus of the memory is on data that should be available with low latency and high transmission speeds. What is interesting here is that CloudFront also works with other cloud services in AWS, including S3. Content delivery can therefore be worldwide and include data from S3. Again, the AWS management console is used here, just like with S2. A new network is created using the “Create Distribution” button when Amazon CloudFront is selected in the dashboard. As part of the creation, you can choose exactly how the provision should take place and which access should be allowed. As soon as all entries have been made as necessary, the deployment takes place with “Create Distribution.”

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) – Uses Scalable Cloud Storage For Free

With the Elastic File System (EFS), Amazon also makes additional storage in AWS available free of charge. EFS intends to provide data storage in the cloud that grows and shrinks with the company’s requirements. The memory should always give precisely the amount of data that is currently being requested. EFS offers up to 5 GB of free storage for up to 12 months. That’s enough to get an overview. The storage is mainly used in connection with EC2 instances in AWS, i.e., virtual servers in the cloud. The store also allows access to large amounts of data from numerous EC2 stores.  The Elastic File System is searched for in the AWS management console. The creation wizard is available via the “Create file system.” The name and a VPC in AWS are required when creating a new file system. The provision is, of course, highly available.

Leverage Amazon EBS Block Storage On AWS

With Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), there is block storage in AWS, which is also available for 12 months with 30 GB. Here, too, EC2 instances are in focus. The 30 GB of free storage can also be split between HDD and SSD in any combination. The warehouse is also created in the management console.

Also Read: Backup For Microsoft 365: Do It!

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