Strategies To Increase Your E-Commerce Sales

Strategies To Increase Your E-Commerce Sales

Strategies To Increase Your E-Commerce Sales

Every e-commerce owner looks for strategies to increase sales. Many articles help with digital marketing strategies, persona building, and campaigns, but forget about the technical part of the website!

Therefore, in this article, we will break down some systems that can be done in the technological aspect of your eCommerce and, for sure, will positively impact the performance of your website.

Although some of these strategies are more difficult to implement, they will have a big impact. So, please don’t waste time and check out our tips to increase sales!

People Like The Simple Design

We are not talking about something poorly done by simple design, but a minimalist design. And not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of functionality.

It would help if you thought about the path your user will take from the moment he enters your site to the moment he makes a purchase, and this path should be as linear as possible and without much confusion.

For example, compare how many interactions you need to do to get a credit in your traditional bank and how many you need to do to get a credit in a digital bank. Much simpler. The less customization and setup you have, your user will be closer to a conversion.

Mobile First: Have A Mobile-Optimized Website

Having a responsive website today is no longer an extra but something fundamental. Currently, 41.8% of sales are made through cell phone use. If you don’t pay enough attention to your website’s responsiveness, your business will miss out on nearly half of your customers.

In addition, having a mobile-friendly website is a ranking factor for search engines like Google. Even if most of your customers prefer to buy on desktop, not having the site adapted for mobile will hurt organic appearances. So, take it into account when developing your page.

Improve Your Website Speed

Although speed is not directly a ranking factor, it is a tiebreaker. In addition, a page that does not load can harm other indicators since, according to Google, 40% of users do not wait more than 3 seconds for a page to load. If many users leave your page before it loads, it’s sure to be frowned upon by search engines, and that user will likely never return.

To know how your speed is, you can test it on Page Speed ​​. In it, you will find several strategies to improve your page without needing significant changes, such as optimizing images, delaying loading heavier codes, and making them lighter as a priority.

Beware Of Duplicate Content

Google does not like duplicate content on the internet, making it difficult to attribute the author of that content. So it’s something we should be very careful about.

Duplication can happen even unintentionally. For example, having very similar product pages can leave a bad impression on search engines. The best way to resolve this issue is to tell Google which of the pages should be considered canonical so that all authority will be concentrated on the main page. And to check your website, give your domain a Google Search Console analysis.

Remove All Distractions

Recovering a little from the first topic, we must guide our users along the best path. This means, at times, removing excess information. For example, we want the user to have only two options on a checkout screen: finish the checkout process or go back. Therefore, on this screen, we remove all other possible outputs. This concept is what we call a single door; the only clear option for the user is to finish the purchase; there are no other factors to distract him.

Build A Sitemap

The sitemap is a file that is only read by search engines. It’s important because it’s where you tell which are your site’s main pages and which are the background pages. That way, you can optimize how search engines go through your site. So they will do it more often. Also, don’t forget to update it frequently.

Disclose Forms Of Contact

There’s nothing worse than identifying a problem with an online purchase and realizing that you’ll have to spend a lot of energy finding someone to solve the issue with, right? Many customers have already suffered from this situation and, even before choosing the products, are looking to see if the company makes this information available.

Also Read: The Impacts Of The Metaverse On Digital Marketing

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