Smart Recruitment: Do You Know What It Is?

Smart Recruitment: Do You Know What It Is?

Smart Recruitment: Do You Know What It Is?

Smart Recruitment: Take all your questions about smart recruiting and learn how to hire the best talent. The way of recruiting people has constantly been changing.

With the acceleration of digital transformation and innovation increasingly present in HR processes, hiring has become a fundamental step in the strategic management of people. 

This is because today, there is an excellent concern in investing in good recruitment and selection tools that help human resources professionals to recruit, select, develop and retain the best talent in the business. This is smart recruiting when the entire process is strategically designed to attract ideal candidates so that the most suitable candidate and best fit with the vacancy and the company’s organizational culture are chosen. We will explain in more detail below. Follow up! 

What Is Smart Recruitment?

A common question that can arise in companies is: what is bright recruitment, and what should I do to implement it in my company? As we mentioned earlier, intelligent recruitment can be defined as the recruitment, selection, and screening process aligned with the company’s objectives, filtering the requirements of professionals according to their competencies, skills, behaviors, and cultural fit.

Bright recruitment is also classified as using various tools and technology to achieve a level of assertiveness among candidates. Tools such as artificial intelligence and people management software that offer tests and customizable selection processes according to the company’s needs contribute to making the process even more agile and hiring more efficient, improving the candidate experience and reducing hiring costs. Hiring.

Why Use Smart Recruitment?

Using smart recruiting can benefit your company in many ways, but the reasons for joining and implementing this strategy can be summarized in a few items: 

  • use of more effective tools in data analysis;
  • process agility and optimization;
  • significant reduction in hiring errors;
  • impartial screening (the system does not take into account the race, religion, or gender of applicants);
  • cost reduction with wrong hiring.

How Does It Work?

Innovative recruitment, like the market and human behavior, changes according to external influences, changes, and novelties. Thus, companies must be prepared to recruit professionals in the best possible way, taking advantage of the technologies the market offers to recruiters.

The main ways to do bright recruitment are through behavioral profile testing, effective job posting, screening optimization, and efficient control of the entire process. These aspects help provide the bottlenecks that can hinder the steps somehow.

The Benefits Of Smart Recruiting

Innovative recruiting offers advantages to both candidates and the company applying the process. We separate some of them: 

Fit Between Candidate And Vacancy

Yes, the probability of you hiring someone who has the perfect skills for a given job increases, and the chances of a successful hire are much higher. When innovative recruiting is used to understand and filter candidate information and analyze characteristics relevant to the selection process, it becomes easier to identify the ideal profile. These points are essential for the functioning of an assertive approach.

Here, unlike the traditional contract where you only have access to the information in the resume, you can create questions that make sense for the vacancy. Combining the intelligent recruitment process with suitable people management software, it is easier to recruit according to the company’s culture and without the personal and involuntary influence of the recruiter. 

Decreases Turnover

If the assertiveness of contraction increases, turnover decreases, which means a reduction in costs. In addition, turnover is a significant enemy of the organizational climate, as when there are many turnovers, teams need to adapt to new hires and vice versa constantly. 

More Interactive Process

When you have a platform to execute the recruitment and selection process, the interactivity with the candidate is more significant, and it is possible to offer a much richer navigation experience for future employees, which already makes a great impression on your business and strengthens the employer brand. 

With the platform, you are not limited to having just one place to register your CVs. The platform is used to store behavioral profile tests, advertise vacancies, and share engaging content about your company and this further encourages the professional to become part of the team. 

Goodbye Paper 

We are in the era of eliminating paper to offer that conscious and sustainable helping hand to the environment and to make better use of physical spaces. How about saying goodbye to printed resumes and gathering all the data strategically stored in your browser?

For both recruiters and talent, having an online tool that provides data research and information about the selection process is much more enjoyable. 

More Strategic HR

Last but not least, intelligent recruitment needs to work to allow HR professionals to focus on the deeper stages of the process, leaving screening and early stages that are more “mechanical” with technology.

Also Read: What Are The Main Advantages Of Adopting Chatbots?

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