Six Reasons To Use Email Marketing

Six Reasons To Use Email Marketing

Six Reasons To Use Email Marketing

Email Marketing: Digital marketers often have to do more with less. They must connect with their audience personalized while respecting increasingly constrained budgets. There are multiple techniques and channels (advertising, content marketing, social networks), but one of them stands out clearly for its ease, efficiency and durability over time: email marketing.

While some marketing trends come and go with fashion, reaching customers and prospects via email remains one of the most powerful channels available to modern marketing. Here are the six main reasons.

Email Marketing Reaches More People

The impressive numbers of Facebook subscribers (more than a billion active users), Instagram, Twitter and other social networks can make us believe that these tools can reach the most people. Even if they are effective, they ultimately weigh little against electronic messaging. There are thus 4.1 billion email accounts and 3.9 billion users (half the planet).

Email is everywhere. You need an email address to register on any site, open an account on social networks, or register on various platforms. Often, a person checks on their smartphone or desktop computer to see if a new email has arrived. Thus, it is not far to think that to connect with its prospects or its customers, the email is most certainly the channel that makes it possible to reach the most significant number of people.

Email Marketing Reaches Its Recipients

When marketers choose between adding a subscriber to an email list or gaining a new Facebook follower, they opt for the email subscriber every time.

There are two main reasons for this:

  • 9 out of 10 emails arrive in the intended recipient’s inbox. In contrast, on Facebook, 2-4% of your followers see your posts in their News Feed. Facebook’s algorithm cannot encourage brands to turn to paid advertising. It makes a colossal difference.
  • Subscribers to your email list explicitly told you they wanted to hear from you when they signed up for your mailing list. On the other hand, no one has ever voluntarily agreed to receive advertising, especially following an innocuous request on a search engine.

Email marketing effectively delivers a message to your audience in a regular and targeted manner.

Email Marketing Drives Conversions

Most marketers have the apparent goal of driving conversions. Whether it’s getting leads, making sales, getting memberships, the ultimate goal of any email marketing campaign is to get as many people as possible to take the desired action.

And when it comes to conversions, there’s no channel more powerful than email. The average click-through rate for an email campaign is around 5% (of total recipients), while the average click-through rate for a tweet is about 0.5%. This means you are ten times more likely to get someone to click through to your website via email than on Twitter. Finally, 4 to 5% of visitors from an email marketing campaign buy something, while this rate is around 2.5% for visitors from search engines and 0.5% of those who come from social networks.

The Return On Investment Of Email Marketing Is More Advantageous

Even if the list of subscribers had to be very recent, well updated and cleared of uninterested subscribers, this is still pretty profitable. There is also a reason that may explain this and the efficiency of the email channel. Indeed, email makes it possible to target its communication with its prospects and customers.

The more data you have about your customers in an email marketing tool, including information pulled from integrated systems like your CRM customer service solution, the more specific you can be and the more you can tweak your emails accordingly. According to individual needs. This segmentation and dynamic content helps ensure that the content sent is relevant to each recipient. This relevance drives people to click, make purchases, and increase email marketing campaigns’ ROI.

Email Marketing Can Be GDPR Complaint

Many companies are afraid to use email marketing for fear of being intrusive or not complying with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The penalties can indeed be significant (up to 4% of turnover) in the event of non-compliance with the fundamentals of this regulation.

However, the implementation of GDPR-compliant emailing campaigns is quite feasible, insofar as compliance with four essential points is ensured:

  • Obtain consent from your contacts: Consent must be given by an unmistakable voluntary act. You can no longer use boxes that have already been checked, and it is better to opt for a double opt-in (form + click on a link inserted in a confirmation email).
  • Being able to prove consent: this applies to all the data collected, even those dating before May 25,  (implementation of the GDPR). You must be able to provide collected consent from all of your contacts.
  • Allow easy unsubscribe: include an unsubscribe link in all your emails that works and offers immediate action.
  • Assert the rights of your contacts: the recipients of your emails must be able to assert their rights (right of portability, rectification, access to data, deletion of data, etc.). Therefore, you must specify the steps to exercise these rights and make them available to your contacts.

Email Will Still Exist

Do you remember Myspace? In terms of internet traffic, that famous social networking site overtook Google in June 2006? Myspace is gone. And the history of the Internet is populated by viral platforms that have fallen apart over time. Imagine investing a lot of time and money to create an audience on a platform that will become a deserted place a few years later… You can imagine the damage.

In contrast, email has had excellent stability since its inception and should retain its important place in our digital lives. Unlike building a social media audience, building your email list is a stable, long-term investment that will pay off for many years to come. In addition, its use is increasingly facilitated. Once it took a developer to create a promotional email campaign, today, there are plenty of tools that make your life easier and marketing very easy.

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