Server Less Architecture: How It Can Benefit Your Business

Server Less Architecture: How It Can Benefit Your Business

Server Less Architecture: How It Can Benefit Your Business

Server Less Architecture: One of the great – and constant – development challenges is maintaining the quality and consistency of the final product while reducing costs and time for deployment or publication.

Methodologies such as DevOps help in this regard, putting different expertise and disciplines together to anticipate problems and optimize the project; from the point of view of resources and infrastructure, it appears as a great ally in this sense.

In contrast to the traditional structure, where applications are developed on servers (physical, virtual or Cloud ) managed by the organization itself, in the server less model, the provider is responsible for its administration and dynamically releases the resources consumed by the customer. This changes the infrastructure management paradigm, as there is no longer the need to manage the Server itself, allowing the focus to be entirely on development, optimizations and other factors of more excellent added value.

Essentially, this service works through contracting, where the customer pays proportionally to the use of resources consumed in their activity, from the creation of applications to their execution and support, including database and functional environments. It is worth noting that these services are flexible enough to be used in conjunction with other modalities and architectures. For example, the customer can hire a FaaS (Function as a Service) service, running all the logical parts of the application but keeping their databases in a traditional public Cloud environment. 

Server Less In Use: Advantages And Benefits

This type of service has gained space all over the world thanks to its users’ various advantages and benefits, in areas ranging from infrastructure management to streamlining the CI/CD process in development. It is worth highlighting the following for companies considering adopting this technology.

Greater Focus On High-Value-Added Activities

As mentioned, by eliminating the need to manage the Server, professionals can focus on more relevant activities with more excellent added value, making better use of their skills. From the IT staff’s point of view, this architecture reduces the workload generated by maintaining application servers, freeing them to focus on activities such as network performance, security and usability.

Cost Reduction

One factor that attracts many companies to this architecture is reduced costs. As it is offered in a pay-as-you-go format, the values ​​are closely linked to consumption, preventing the organization’s infrastructure from generating too much idle capacity. In addition, the costs associated with maintaining the environment also disappear, as the provider bears the entire infrastructure part.

Depending on the state of the contractor’s environment, the migration to a server less modality can also lead to reductions in the number of professionals involved in Server management, which also impacts personnel costs.


Linked to the previous item, the dynamism of this service is a crucial point for those looking for maximum scalability of their structure. Server less is offered on demand, without a fixed amount of memory, space or processing previously defined, so the client always receives what he needs to carry out his activities.

This flexibility is even greater than traditional Cloud services, which allow the expansion or reduction of servers with relative ease, as it is dynamic and automatic, quickly readjusting what is offered according to the customer’s moment.

Production Scalability

For companies that do not have significant infrastructure resources, the use of server less allows for growth in the volume of production and consumption of the infrastructure without the need for initial allocation of funds. From the point of view of market competitiveness, server less helps startups and smaller companies to have an advanced and highly scalable infrastructure, which does not require significant investment and still develops along with the business. Similarly, companies already consolidated and mature structures can invest in boulder projects and experiment more without committing much money to servers, knowing they will have everything they need regarding application functions.

Potential Security Improvement

As it is Cloud technology, server less offers a solid foundation in security because providers follow best practices in the area and even offer SLAs that guarantee the integrity of what runs in their structure within the contracted scope. In addition, issues such as patching and problem remediation are left to the provider, which reduces weaknesses in their defenses and relieves the security team.

However, a caveat is worth mentioning here. The use of server less increases the attack surface due to the more significant number of separate components to run the application’s functions. This means that the client must take measures to protect the client-side of the application, as the provider does not cover it, and breaches in this sense can be used for the intrusion of environments and data theft, among other crimes.

Also Read: Benefits Of Process Automation For Businesses

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