Marketing Cloud: 7 Key Advantages Of The Salesforce

Marketing Cloud: 7 Key Advantages Of The Salesforce

Marketing Cloud: 7 Key Advantages Of The Salesforce

Marketing Cloud: Generally, to run a marketing campaign, you need several tools and programs for creating and managing content, sending materials, analyzing results, and other activities.

All this makes the process time-consuming, inefficient, and bureaucratic. Marketing Cloud uses cloud computing technology to prevent this from happening and to optimize the performance of marketing and sales professionals. The main idea is to use the platform to do what every professional in the field wants: send the right message at the right time and in the right channel.

It is a product offered by Salesforce for companies that want to improve customer relationships by automating marketing processes.

This tool has numerous features that help the organization create a personalized and charming journey for its consumers.

Why Choose A Salesforce CRM?

You may wonder, if other tech companies have Marketing Cloud software available, why should I invest in Salesforce CRM?

According to data from Gartner’s Magic Quadrant, this company is a world market leader and has held the position for more than 13 years. There are more than 150 thousand customers of the most diverse niches and sizes.

Therefore, we are talking about a complete tool that helps small, medium, and large organizations achieve their goals and offer a differentiated experience to their customers. Check out the advantages of hiring Salesforce services:

  • improved communication between sectors;
  • ease of deployment and use;
  • a pioneer in cloud computing technology;
  • detailed data and reports;
  • customizable tool;
  • quality support.

What Are The 7 Benefits Of Marketing Cloud For Businesses?

After getting to know some of the features of Salesforce’s Marketing CRM, you’ve probably already recognized some of the benefits it generates for your business, right? But to make it easier, we’ve separated and explained some of the main benefits below.

Can Be Integrated With Other Systems

In addition to integrating data and activities from various marketing channels, Marketing Cloud’s capabilities can be leveraged by integrating with other systems. After all, companies may have specific needs that cannot be solved with just one software.

Improve Team Productivity

Activity automation is one of the main activities of Marketing Cloud. Several activities that took a long time to become a reality are done automatically and without great human effort.

Cloud technology is another feature of the software that benefits team productivity. Authorized collaborators access and share documents in a simplified way on any device connected to the internet. This improves internal communication and gives teams more time to focus on other areas and develop innovative ideas.

Helps In Brand Impact Analysis

Every customer touchpoint with the brand generates precious data to understand what consumers think about the company, whether marketing efforts are practical, and, most importantly, what to improve to be more successful.

However, manually collecting, managing, and analyzing this information is not easy — not to mention impossible. Salesforce Marketing Cloud uses artificial intelligence to track campaign performance and customer behavior.

With it, you can create advanced reports and understand complex issues, such as the best day to send email marketing or the time when social media posts perform best.

Contributes To Customer Attraction And Loyalty

The data is valuable for creating personalized marketing campaigns that make sense for the brand’s consumers and make the experience more enchanting. The possibility of configuring chatbots to provide faster and more efficient services is an example of functionality that helps make this happen.

In this way, we can say that Marketing Cloud favors customer attraction and loyalty and improves referral rates. After all, if we like a company, it is natural to recommend it to friends and family.

Facilitates The Management Of Different Channels

No company is obligated to be on all channels. Still, it is essential to diversify your presence on the internet to increase the reach of content and improve interaction with the audience.

Managing so many contacts and publications without losing quality is a big challenge. The Marketing Cloud allows the marketing team to work simultaneously on different channels.

You won’t need to open multiple programs or browser tabs to manage social media, launch email marketing or configure SMS messages — it’s all done in the same place.

Reduces Long-Term Costs

Investing to access the benefits of Marketing Cloud is necessary, leaving many managers apprehensive. However, in the long term, the tool reduces business costs.

One factor that leads to this is migration to the cloud. Not worrying about physical infrastructure and high electricity and maintenance expenses impact the company’s budget.

Another point is that we are talking about a technology that helps companies keep customer data safe, which, in the long run, also represents savings, as the expenses resulting from data leakage can be gigantic.

Accompanies The Growth Of Companies

Marketing Cloud is ideal for companies of all sizes. It is a scalable tool in which it is possible to use resources according to the demands and growth of the business.

Therefore, a small business hires a basic plan with only the features it needs now and upgrades when necessary. There’s no doubt that Marketing Cloud is an excellent tool that helps companies in all niches achieve better results. 

Also Read: Cloud Computing: Benefits For Your Company

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