<strong>Marketing Automation: Let’s See What A Good Platform Must Have</strong>

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation: Let’s See What A Good Platform Must Have

Marketing Automation software can robotize your organization’s advertising processes. These stages intend to change over clients into leads and increment deals. For instance, on the off chance that a client returns a few times to a page of your site that contains the determinations of an item or administration presented by the organization, the showcasing computerization processes naturally embed him into a rundown of contacts who will get extra data content in regards to that item or administration.

Features Of Marketing Automation Platforms

Below are the main features of the marketing automation platforms on the market:

  1. Design emails, landing pages and registration forms to generate leads and nurture existing leads;
  2. Record the answers contained in the registration forms;
  3. Monitor the user who visits the website, recording the pages visited and the time spent;
  4. Manage lead nurturing campaigns: send personalized messages separately for different targets; change the sequence of messages based on the behavior of the contacts;
  5. Attribute a score for each person contained in the database about the action performed and the rules established in the software setup phase (lead scoring);
  6. Carry out a complete and in-depth reporting activity;
  7. Integration with the CRM
  8. Use social media to launch campaigns. The advanced features also allow you to get feedback from competitors and create hashtags;
  9. The function allows you to send reminders or promotional messages via SMS. The advanced functions allow you to geolocate customers and send text messages to those near target places, shops and companies.

What We Need To See Before Buying Marketing Automation Software

However, there are some key elements to consider before purchasing a Marketing Automation solution, including:

Initial And Total Costs

Marketing Automation software includes a setup fee. Still, sometimes there will be additional costs for training staff using the software or even for various post-setup integrations. However, they are valuable programs, and the costs are high.

You Recommended Company Size

Considering the cost and the number of leads the system can handle, you need to decide whether or not a marketing automation platform suits your company’s size. Scalability. Most marketing software is scalable, as they run on a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model. This means you pay each month for access to the features and data entered into the system.


Marketing Automation software can be divided into three categories:

  1. Channel Specific: This software focuses on one type of task, such as creating and sending emails. They should be integrated with other solutions, but they are typically low-cost features.
  2. Middle/Bottom Funnel: Some larger platforms fall into this category and are suitable for capturing leads and messaging but not for creating initial demand and growth.
  3. Entire Funnel: these are complete platforms that exploit “inbound marketing”, through which SEO strategies are taken into account to promote interest and user involvement.

Simple And Intuitive Use 

The program must be simple to use and compatible with the company’s software. Personalization. The most important part of a Marketing Automation program is the customization according to your needs and usage preferences. You should verify this attribute before purchasing if you have proprietary data to track.

Data Integration 

Although integrations with other platforms are becoming more common, there are many cases where a platform may not be able to integrate with every other company’s software (CRM, ERP, etc.). That’s why it’s only fair to ensure it has access to APIs so developers can plug it into any other app or program. Systems required for integration can increase maintenance costs.

Data security. Advanced data security is usually offered in “Enterprise” packages, which are the most expensive. The other plans will, therefore, not have the level of encryption that meets several company standards.

Read Also: What Is Marketing Automation? Definition, Examples & Techniques

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