<strong>Lightweight Versions Of The Most Popular And Used Android Apps</strong>

Android Apps

Lightweight Versions Of The Most Popular And Used Android Apps

We present the light renditions of Android applications which are ordinarily ready to cover the exhibition of more seasoned cell phones and which for the most part consume the battery fundamentally. Some Android applications are truly weighty assisting with making the gadget increasingly slow and smart.

Google introduced Android Go a couple of months prior, an exceptional variant of the working framework planned (and as of now proposed to equipment makers) for gadgets including equipment that isn’t precisely “most recent”. Alongside Android Go, Google engineers have introduced the light variants of certain applications, likewise intended to work best on gadgets with an unassuming equipment design.

Notwithstanding the realized Records Go ( Android document director and programmed more cleanly: Google Records Go is for everybody ), downloadable by all proprietors of an Android gadget, Google has reported the conveyance of Gmail Go, Google Go, YouTube Go, Google Guides Proceed to research Right hand Go.

Regardless, these are lighter adaptations of the related Android applications: some of them have proactively been distributed on the Play Store while others will be from here on out. Besides, aside from Records Go, the other applications are not yet downloadable from Italy. To utilize the light (light) variants of the Google application, YouTube, and Guides, you can download them from APK Mirror (see beneath).- Google Go

This is a “drier” form of the Google application that permits you to empower just the pursuit from the Android gadget without the high-level elements, for example, the computerized partner and the different “cards” that show up with a swiping activity from the left to right. All the information about Google Go can be found in our article Google Go, what it is and how the lightweight app is for searching the networks.

Google Maps Go

Google Maps, over time, has become a rather heavy app. The lite version of Maps that Google has published on the Play Store is currently strictly reserved for owners of an Android Go device. To use Maps Go on any version of Android, we suggest doing the following:

  1. Launch Chrome on your Android device.
  2. Type the URL https://tinyurl.com/pwamaps in the address bar
  3. Access the Chrome main menu (top right button showing three dots in a column) and touch Add to Home screen.

By doing so, the Maps Go icon will appear on the Android main screen and you can use a significantly lighter version of the application. What we have presented to you is an example of a Progressive Web App (PWA), a hybrid between normal web pages and applications for mobile devices in which Google is investing heavily: Web applications will be able to leave Chrome and become Android apps.

Google recently published Google Maps Go on the Play Store: it is however the PWA app that we have presented to you, so much so that it requires the presence of the Chrome browser on the mobile device to be used.

YouTube Go

The lightened version of YouTube for Android cannot be installed directly from the Play Store in Italy. To proceed, therefore, you can download the installation file from the APK Mirror site.

Gallery Go

A light version of Google Photos can also be installed in Italy, which allows you to detect all the photos on your device and organize them as you like. The application weighs just 10 MB and has been designed to work in offline mode, without transferring any data: we talked about it in our article on Google Photos and the new Gallery Go with offline functionality.

Facebook Lite And Facebook Messenger Lite Facebook

apps are still among the heaviest ever. To effectively “unburden” your Android device, you can use Facebook and Facebook Messenger Lite. While the Facebook Lite app is substantially superimposable on its “older sister”, Facebook Messenger Lite does not allow the management of SMS and video chat (features which it is frankly possible to give up without problems …) while, in addition to exchanging text messages, The application allows you to make and receive voice calls.

Twitter Lite

Those who regularly use the Twitter app and intend to switch to a decidedly lighter version can confidently look to the lite release which retains all the functions of the best-known application. Unfortunately Twitter Lite is not currently downloadable from Italy using the Google Play Store. However, to download and install it on your phone, simply refer to APK Mirror.

Skype Lite

Skype, as the users who still use the application today well know, has become increasingly heavy. Microsoft has recently released the Italian version of Skype Lite which allows you to take advantage of all the features without negatively impacting the performance of the Android smartphone and battery life.

We presented the news of Skype Lite in Italian in the article Skype Lite available in Italy, how to install it on Android devices while the download can be done from the Google Play Store. In general, however, we suggest that you don’t immediately go looking for the Android application for the service you are used to using. The web version of the main sites, in fact, in many cases allows you to access most of the features integrated into the various apps.

The expectation is that, as explained in the case of Google Maps Go, more and more developers begin to distribute Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Examples of PWAs are available at this address: by visiting the page from Chrome on your Android device you can try out the various apps and possibly add those of interest to the Home screen. The selection also includes Poly Mail which allows access to the content of the Gmail email account from the browser, on the mobile device.

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