Inbound Marketing In E-Commerce

Inbound Marketing In E-Commerce

Inbound Marketing In E-Commerce

Inbound Marketing in e-commerce is not that different from other strategies. After all, the aim is to attract, convert, sell and retain customers.

Attraction marketing is a methodology that, when properly applied, has incredible results. Therefore, online stores can benefit a lot by using it.

However, despite being traditional in digital marketing, when this method is applied to e-commerce, it is called Inbound Commerce. To generate good results with this strategy, investing in a series of actions is necessary.

How To Attract Prospects With Inbound Marketing In E-Commerce

One of the main features of Inbound Marketing is the generation of valuable content for the persona. You start the relationship with the public, especially with those users with the potential to become customers.

These people begin to be attracted to your message, engage with the content and discover more about the company and the products in your online store. Then, your brand wins the consumer’s trust little by little until it’s time to close the purchase. So, see what actions you need to take to attract prospects to your e-commerce!

Increase Website Traffic

Optimization work is one of the best investments you can make. Leaving your website at the top of search engines is the first step to receiving more clicks and converting leads.

So prioritize SEO for e-commerce and use techniques to increase organic traffic. SEO actions involve defining keywords relevant to your business and inserting these terms on the site, page loading speed, and responsiveness, among other factors. Want to know how to optimize your website? So, get to know some SEO tools.

In addition, betting on ads can bring excellent results for your strategy. Paid media attracts qualified traffic and introduces your brand to interested people.

Create A Blog For Your Brand

Inbound Marketing has content marketing as one of its main attractions. In this way, Inbound Commerce also uses this strategy to win customers through relevant content.

The best option is to create a blog, as many customers come to your brand through search engines like Google. In this way, investing in the production of content that solves the persona’s pain is quite advantageous.

Blog posts are engaging content as they serve as a gateway for users to get to know your business. From there, the trend is for them to delve deeper and continue on the shopping journey.

Request Customer Reviews

You must have stopped to analyze other customer reviews before ordering a product on the internet, right? This is a widespread practice, and it helps to give more credibility to your store.

Therefore, having good items available, providing quality service, good payment options, etc. This way, you will have more satisfied customers who will leave good reviews.

Use Social Networks

Social media is also helpful in prospecting customers. When consumers come across your brand, they can search their social media to learn more about the company. This is a widespread habit, especially among the new generations who are more connected.

Given this reality, having well-crafted pages with good content is a differential. This way, you strengthen your branding, get more engagement and have a close relationship with your audience.

Convert Leads To Your E-Commerce

When prospects come to your brand and build trust, they are about to provide their contact details. Users who allow you to connect, submit materials, and other contact forms are considered leads.

For that to happen, check out alternatives to convert more leads in your e-commerce.

Invest In Popup + Welcome Sequence

When you enter an e-commerce page and screens appear offering discounts, welcome messages, and the like? This is called a popup, and it can generate great results! Therefore, create attractive CTAs that entice visitors to click and enter the sales funnel.

Answer Product Questions

If the visitor still doesn’t know your business very well, they may ask questions. Whether by chat, posts on social media, or other means. If this occurs, never fail to respond! The dialogue brings the brand and the consumer closer and will finally provide more security for them to buy.

Add Forms And WhatsApp Or Chat Buttons

Create forms to receive discount coupons, offer free materials (such as e-books, for example), and get in touch via chat or WhatsApp to learn more about a particular product … all these actions are part of the conversion phase!

Insert means for the visitor to talk to you and leave some contact information on the landing page, be it email, phone number, or another form of communication.

Also Read: Eight Reasons For You To Invest In Digital Marketing!

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