How To Sell On Amazon In 2024?

Sell On Amazon

How To Sell On Amazon In 2024?

An e-commerce giant, Amazon is one of the largest marketplaces in the world (if not THE largest!). If you want to do e-commerce, this is an opportunity to consider seriously! We detail everything you need to know to sell on Amazon.

What Is Amazon?

We no longer present the famous American e-commerce company! Amazon is an e-commerce marketplace where anyone can sell products. The company is now part of the web giants GAFA, with Apple, Facebook, and Google. Amazon’s figures for 2021 are literally gigantic:

  1. Almost 470 billion in turnover;
  2. Amazon is the 6th most visited site in France, with 152 million monthly visitors;
  3. Two hundred million subscribers to Amazon Prime, Amazon’s loyalty program.

What To Sell On Amazon?

On Amazon, you can sell almost anything! But there are still some restrictions. Some products require authorizations. This is particularly the case for beers, wines and spirits, baby toys, specific clothing, jewelry, etc. Here is the complete list of products subject to authorization.

Tips: sell on Amazon Handmade. You can also sell products designed or made by hand on Amazon, like those you can sell on Etsy (works of art, decorative objects, clothing, jewelry, etc.). You will need to obtain validation from Amazon to [[sell your creations]].

What Status To Sell On Amazon?

Sell ​​On Amazon Without SIRET

You must have legal status to be able to sell on Amazon, even if you are a private individual.

The legislation considers that buying or manufacturing goods with the aim of reselling them is a professional activity. And who says professional activity? It tells you you need to have a legal status to exercise your activity legally. You, therefore, cannot sell on Amazon without a SIRET number. Moreover, Amazon asks you for your SIRET number (the identification number of your company) upon registration. This is one of the conditions for opening a seller account on Amazon.

What Legal Status To Sell On Amazon?

The best is to turn to the micro-enterprise regime. The micro-entrepreneur regime (formerly self-entrepreneur) consists of creating an individual business with a simplified regime:

  1. Reduced social security contributions of around 12.8% of turnover;
  2. An adapted tax regime with income tax and a flat-rate deduction for professional expenses of 71%;
  3. It is an accessible business to create and manage on a daily basis.

The micro-enterprise is also characterized by turnover ceilings, which must not be exceeded under penalty of leaving the regime. But rest assured, these amounts are pretty impressive: €176,200 turnover for the purchase and sale of goods. If you cross these thresholds, other legal statuses may be possible: EURL, SASU, etc.

Selling On Amazon: What Are The Advantages?

Selling on Amazon means taking advantage of the platform’s advantages:

  1. Get started quickly: To start selling, you don’t need to create a website and generate traffic. In just a few clicks, you can set up your store and collect your first euros. A real-time saver!
  2. Reach many customers: Amazon is one of the most visited platforms. You will be able to attract the attention of potential customers without spending a lot on business communications.
  3. Benefit from Amazon customer service: Amazon focuses on customer service: ultra-fast delivery, easy returns, etc. Relying on the reliability of the platform is a real plus to reassure your customers.

But be careful: there are not only positive points… Here are some more nuanced elements about selling on Amazon:

  1. High competition, which makes it difficult to stand out.
  2. Significant commissions that eat into the margin.
  3. A tool that is not yours: you cannot show your brand image; the customers are not yours, but Amazon customers and the rules of the game can change at any time. Don’t just rely on Amazon, but also think about other ways to sell your products, such as selling on CDiscount or Instagram for a business.

How To Sell On Amazon: The Steps

Choose An Amazon Selling Plan

Two choices are available to you to choose your “sales plan,” that is to say, the formulas offered by Amazon:

  1. Creating a store with a professional account;
  2. Creating a store with an individual account.

How To Choose Between One Or The Other?

The individual account is suitable if you sell a few products every month. It allows you not to pay a subscription but fees of €0.99 per item. This is ideal when you are starting an activity or want to test a market. The professional account allows you to sell a lot of items to make it an actual secondary or primary activity. In this case, you pay a fixed subscription of €39 per month but no fees per item. This plan also provides access to detailed statistics and the possibility of advertising and selling certain products that cannot be dealt with by an individual account. Clearly, you must sell at least 40 items per month if you take the professional account to make this formula profitable!

Register On Amazon

Amazon requires several elements in order to validate your account:

  1. A copy of your identity card;
  2. Your company’s SIRET number;
  3. The intra-community VAT number if you are subject to it;
  4. Your credit card number (for charges);
  5. An email address.

Start Selling On Amazon

That’s it, you’re almost there . Amazon guides you step by step in putting your first product online on Amazon Seller Central (your dashboard). When a product is sold, you must ship the order to the buyer. Please note that Amazon offers a turnkey program allowing you to delegate the management of product shipping. This service then takes care of all the logistics around your products for you: storage, packaging, shipping, and after-sales service (returns, refunds). It’s ideal if you need more space to store all your packages!

Selling On Amazon: Prices

Plan Fees

Amazon offers two options for selling your products:

  1. An individual account with fees of €0.99 per item;
  2. A professional account with a subscription of €39 per month.

Sales Fees

You must add sales fees depending on the category of the item. Some examples of Amazon selling fees :

  1. 15.45% sales fee for books;
  2. 7.21% for computers;
  3. 8.24% for video game consoles;
  4. 12.36% for handmade products…

Shipping Costs

If you ship your orders yourself, you must pay for the shipping of the packages. Amazon charges the customer a fee and sends you a flat fee based on the product category and the delivery method chosen by the buyer. Likewise, if your products are shipped with Amazon, there are fees for shipping, storage, etc.

Selling On Amazon: 5 Tips To Make It Profitable

Amazon is an exciting business opportunity for e-commerce… But you are not alone on the platform! Here are some tips for doing well on Amazon.

Properly Reference Your Products

Working on the natural referencing ( SEO ) of your products is essential to allow users to find your goods. To do this, you must optimize each product sheet following Amazon’s recommendations:

  1. Put your product on sale in the correct category;
  2. Choose relevant keywords;
  3. Do not redirect buyers to your website with external links…

Take Care Of Your Product Pages

The product page must provide all relevant information to the buyer about the product. Here are the elements to fill out carefully:

  1. The title: this is the first thing the buyer sees;
  2. Visuals: they must be qualitative and in sufficient numbers;
  3. The description of the product: it must be precise.
  4. Offer the correct type of product and set its prices.

Some products will undoubtedly be more suitable for sale on Amazon than others: these are those that buyers most seek after. Also, know that if you are in a niche with little competition, this is an asset! The price at which you will sell your products is also essential for your profitability. Allow sufficient margin, taking into account the costs incurred by the platform.

Promote Your Products

Amazon works like a search engine. The platform, therefore, highlights two types of results:

  1. Organic results;
  2. Paid results.

It is, therefore, possible to carry out paid advertising to increase your visibility with your target customer and to appear in paid results (identifiable with the mention “ sponsored” ). You can create an advertising campaign with ads directly from Amazon.

Get Customer Reviews

Often very detailed, customer reviews are essential and encouraged by the platform. Buyers read them before purchasing your product: it is, therefore, an indispensable element for reassuring them and increasing your sales!

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