How To Mount A Cloud Integration Project Without Scare

How To Mount A Cloud Integration Project Without Scare

How To Mount A Cloud Integration Project Without Scare

With the advancement of “Cloud Computing” technology, opting for cloud infrastructure is no longer a strategic differentiator for companies. The Cloud has become a global trend with a significant impact on the digital transformation process, enhancing the emergence of new solutions that guarantee high performance, availability, and, above all, information mobility.

According to the Gartner Institute, by 2022, the “no cloud” policy will be as rare as a “no internet” policy would be today. Forecasts estimate that over the next five years, more than 30% of software investments will be in the Cloud, with the majority focusing on more computing power by  Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS )  and Platform as a Service  (PaaS ) providers in the Cloud. Cloud than in improvements to physical data centers in companies.

But, over the last two years, something worrying in the planning of cloud solutions has directly affected companies. Exceeding your deployment budget has become a constant problem. Data proves a 10% cost overrun with project changes. The larger the project, the more likely it is to go over budget. But what is this problem due to? One of the leading causes is the customer’s poorly defined expectations. The lack of technology maturity combined with real needs makes customers not treat cloud computing as a long-term corporate resource, triggering several factors that increase and exceed the initial cost of deploying and maintaining the cloud solution.

Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to some points. Here we list five critical questions to ensure that your project investment is healthy, avoiding scares at the time of its implementation.

1. Data Integration / Migration 

One of the biggest villains is the lack of adequate structuring of the data managed by cloud technology. In-depth knowledge of the data structure and integrating it is essential to avoid surprises when migrating and implementing the technology. The best solution is to carry out a cost-benefit analysis at the beginning of the project, aligning the actual needs with the business model. The sooner you start your research, the faster the response time for possible design changes, avoiding future reworks that generate high computational costs.

2. Custom Code 

Customers often look for simplicity and ease, stipulating only the “out of the box” functionality most relevant to their needs. Unfortunately, many consultancies push the client towards “Custom Codes” in search of presenting differentiated solutions. The custom coding of a feature is one factor that makes the project more expensive, given the configuration of the default functionality. The best solution is to use, as far as possible, the system’s standard resources plug-ins already available that meet your requirements. Use custom coding only in highly critical situations that directly impact the simplification of processes, business rules,

3. Agile Management 

Directors, managers, and analysts responsible for the project must adopt an agile management methodology. Delays are the enemies of efficient and cost-effective projects. It is essential to pay attention to some points that directly influence the deadlines and direction of Cloud Integration projects. The first aspect is “Team Sizing” because it is a Cloud Integration project.

It is common to see companies involve many employees or consultancies in its development. However, this increases the complexity of communication and its management. The second aspect is the “Endless Discovery”– Cloud projects are highly complex due to their range of possibilities and available resources. This directly influences the objectives and directions defined in the context of the project.

It is essential to adopt a strategy that profoundly addresses the contextualization. And discovery phase, so you can more consistently map all the critical aspects of the Cloud Integration solution. Make a small team, gather the crucial expertise in development. And not hire more than one consulting company to participate in the project.

4. Building Trust 

It is essential to build transparent communication with your consultancy. This allows the healthy development of the project and its implementation. Avoiding any communication divergences that generate reworks that can delay the progress of the project.

And consequently increase the computational cost. Cloud Integration technology is transforming the way companies do business. Knowing about the technology. And the best ways to implement any company needs to expand its strategic vision in the development process.

Also Read: The Distributed Cloud: What Is It Exactly?

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