How To Have A Successful Private Cloud

How To Have A Successful Private Cloud

How To Have A Successful Private Cloud

Private Cloud: To implement a successful private cloud, IT teams must clearly understand what a cloud strategy will mean for their organization from the beginning of the project before proceeding with the next steps.

Adopting a cloud is not a quick process; it takes time and good planning. And because of that, having a clear understanding of the technology and its architecture helps you take the first steps toward having a successful private cloud. As one of the Cloud Computing models, the private Cloud offers similar advantages to the public Cloud, including scalability and self-service, but through a proprietary architecture.

Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud

With characteristics similar to the public Cloud, the decision for the private Cloud always raises questions about why to adopt it and its advantages. And one of the words that define the choice of architecture well is sharing. One of the main reasons for choosing the  Cloud is the companies need to have an IT infrastructure that requires direct control over their environments, usually to meet security, corporate governance, or regulatory compliance requirements.

Unlike a public cloud, where users of this architecture share computing resources, a model known as a multi-tenancy environment, the implementation of a successful private cloud have access to the benefits and the management of resources on-demand from the direct control of the company IT.

For example, in some cases, the danger of hosting a mission-critical workload in public Cloud may exceed the risk tolerance or security concerns related to using a multi-tenancy environment. In this way, the private Cloud allows companies to maintain complete control and ownership of their environment.

Private Cloud Myths You Should Ignore

There are important considerations that organizations should take under consideration before moving any workload to a private cloud, thus ignoring many myths created around this architecture.

Myth 1: The Responsibility Of Managing The Cloud Environment

Did you think that your responsibilities to the environment would decrease by choosing a public cloud? I’m sorry. Your commitment to managing a multi-tenancy environment will be much more significant when compared to the private Cloud. Choosing to outsource management is a best practice, but still, it should be a strategic decision.

Myth 2: Adopting A Cloud Means Losing Existing Investments

No way! Especially when your company decides on a cloud. This concern is understandable, but the right cloud solution can help IT teams deal with building their cloud architecture at a rate and pace that makes sense for their business.

Myth 3: The Private Cloud Sacrifices Flexibility

Another serious mistake. This architecture is a highly flexible option. Upon reaching a successful cloud, your company will have the right solution to protect data, manage existing investments, meet regulatory requirements, and assertively leverage the business.

What To Do To Have A Successful Private Cloud

It would be very pretentious to define in a single tip the leap of the cat to have a thriving private cloud; that’s because there is a process that includes several steps and several other prizes. However, there is a rule that many companies do not understand or ignore, thus compromising the entire migration project to a cloud.

Decide What You Want Out Of The Cloud

The tip is simple. Your organization needs to be realistic and unambiguous on its goals when adopting this architecture to start your journey toward a successful  cloud. Many companies look to cloud infrastructure after seeing all the promises of virtualization, such as data center consolidation and cost savings. Others want to take virtualization to the next level, with standardization and automation as part of their IT processes.

The difficulty is that few organizations are ready to face the organizational changes and challenges associated with a move to the Cloud. These are transformations linked to services, security, and management, among others. These challenges are not usually technical issues but issues related to organizational boundaries. Therefore, before establishing the technical foundations on which you will create a cloud, carefully define your goals, both from a technical and organizational point of view.

To Overcome The Challenges Ahead

Overcoming the described challenge and building successful private cloud infrastructure is just the beginning. To continue this journey, the entire organization must play its part in this process, not just the IT team.

It is necessary to integrate the business units to achieve the objectives that were defined in the initial phases of the project. The final tip for this challenge is: to make the convergence between knowledge and experience to reach the end goal. The answer may not be at home. To learn more about the challenges of Cloud Computing, download our free e-book on cloud management and overcome all obstacles on this journey.

Also Read: Five Myths And Truths About Cloud Computing In Companies

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