How to Create The Facebook Pixel And How To Install It

Facebook Pixel

How to Create The Facebook Pixel And How To Install It

The Facebook pixel (Meta pixel) can monitor some user behavior, keeping track of it, such as the purchase of products, concerning the websites on which it has been installed. All those who work in the marketing and communication field can use the help of some digital tools to obtain valuable insights into user behavior, for example, on sites or apps or the performance of their content. 

Conversion tracking, for example, helps companies measure the return on investment concerning Facebook ads and therefore understand how users respond to a given ad. Thus, among these, it is possible to refer to the Facebook pixel ( Meta pixel), a portion of code that, once installed on your site, can keep track of some user actions, such as, for example, adding an item to your cart or registering on the website.

Advertisers can create Facebook pixels (Meta pixels) to track conversions, add them to pages on their website where modifications will occur, and then follow them. Conversion tracking also helps businesses optimize costs by showing ads to users who are most likely to “get converted” via Facebook. You may be wondering how to create the Facebook pixel.

How To Configure The Facebook Pixel (Meta Pixel)

To take advantage of the potential offered by the tool, you must first learn how to create the Facebook pixel: from this point of view, the first step is to complete the code configuration procedure. Although there are different procedures to achieve this goal, it may be advisable to access the Meta help center site for companies and consult the item “How to configure and install the Meta pixel.” 

Following the procedure recommended by the help center, the user, if registered on the Zuckerberg home social network, can only configure the code: to do so, access the “Event Management” section using the link contained in the help center article and click on the green button with the “plus” symbol, i.e., “Connect data sources.”

Once these steps have been completed, the user can select one of the possible options relating to the pages and profiles of the social network, such as, for example, linking data relating to one’s website. At this point, the user can assign a name to the pixel, click on the blue “Create Pixel” button, enter the URL of his website and proceed with the code installation.

How To Install The Facebook Pixel On A Website

Once the pixel has been created, all that remains is to install it on the website. Also, it is possible to carry out the operation differently in this case.

Manually Add The Pixel To Your Website

The user can access the “Event management” section again – following the procedure described above – and select the pixel on which he intends to act. Afterward, click “Continue pixel setup” and “Install code manually.” At this point, Facebook generates part of the code that the user can  insert, as we learn from the Meta help center on their website, « by pasting the code at the bottom of the header section, just above the closing head tag.»

Adding The Facebook Pixel With A “Partner Integration”

As anticipated, the user can use other procedures to install the Facebook pixel. It is possible to add the pixel via “a partner integration, “as stated on the site. To do this, click, from the “Event management” section, on the triangular-shaped “Data Source” icon and then select “Check partner” and choose from the available partners, such as WordPress or Shopify. 

For example, selecting WordPress Facebook pixel (Meta pixel) allows you to use a simple procedure to click directly on the content management system logo. The user is then provided with instructions on how to access the section of digital products dedicated to plugins and how to complete the steps for installing the pixel.

The Facebook pixel (Meta pixel) is handy for companies, clearly within a structured marketing strategy. As anticipated, conversion tracking can help companies optimize costs by showing future ads created through Facebook Ads to users who are more likely to perform a specific action.

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