How To Choose The Programming Languages For Any Project?

How To Choose The Programming Language For A Project?

How To Choose The Programming Languages For Any Project?

New programming languages ​​will implement yearly to meet projects’ most variying objectives. However, many existing languages will use in experimental projects, not reaching the market to use by professional programmers during their careers.

Some are even very specific, targeted only to meet particular technology niches. First, fewer developers can develop in old or mainframe programming languages. Those entering the market do not have enough knowledge because universities no longer have courses focused on these languages. Also, programmers are no longer interested despite current market demand. 

The fact is that the programmer has many options in choosing a language for a project. However, to define which is the best, some criteria must be analyzed. In addition to sometimes having profound differences, a wrong choice can affect issues such as development time, budget, resources, and maintainability.

These are just some of the problems that IT leaders face in software projects that start from scratch and, above all, in the modernization of legacy systems, since as the project evolves, there is a need to increase the performance of the machine or algorithms and often even change the programming language.

Therefore, the person responsible for the choice must have a broad view of the project to choose the best programming language at the beginning of the journey.

We know that all languages ​​have their specialties, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Faced with such a diverse scenario, how do you choose the best programming language for a project?

In this article, we will cover the most used programming languages ​​in the world, the types that exist, and how to choose the most suitable one for your project.

The Most Using Programming Languages ​​In The World

According to Code Lain, there are estimated to be between 250 and 2,000 coding languages. Thus, we can see that since the emergence of Fortran in 1957, a high-level programming language, there have been massive advances in the area. However, some languages ​​are more commonly used than others. 

According to data from Statista, JavaScript and HTML/CSS were the most used programming languages ​​among the world’s software developers, with nearly 65% ​​of respondents saying they used JavaScript and just over 56% using HTML/CSS. 

Python, SQL, Java, Node.js, and TypeScript complete the seven most used programming languages ​​worldwide.

Programming Languages Types

Among the different types of programming languages ​​that exist, we can classify them into:


Procedural programming language executes a sequence of instructions that lead to a result. Typically, this type of language uses a lot of variables, heavy loops, and other elements, separating them from functional programming languages. Procedural language functions can control variables in addition to function value returns, such as printing information.


Functional programming language typically uses stored data, often avoiding loops favoring recursive functions. This type of language’s primary focus is on the parts’ return values and the side effects, which suggest when the storage state is strongly discouraged. 


This programming language aims to think about the fault, separating it into a collection of objects that offer services. That can use to solve a specific problem. One central tenet of the object-orienting programming language is the encapsulation that everything an object needs must inside the object. 

From Script

These programming languages ​​are often procedural. And may include object-orienting language elements but fall into their category. As they are typically not full-featuring programming languages ​​with support for developing large systems. 


These logic languages ​​allow programmers to make declarative propositions. And then have the machine reason about the consequences of those statements. In a way, this language doesn’t tell the computer how to do something. But restricts what it should consider doing.

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