GPT-5: What Are The New Features Of ChatGPT AI model


GPT-5: What Are The New Features Of ChatGPT AI model

GPT-5, OpenAI’s large language model, is poised to revolutionize our interactions with AI. Much more potent than GPT-4, it is currently under development and training.  GPT-5 is the name of the language model developed by OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, the world’s most advanced chatbot. It will thus succeed GPT-4, which is currently used with Copilot or ChatGPT Plus. 

This new model promises unprecedented artificial intelligence capabilities, including natural language understanding and generation, video format support, factual error reduction, personalization, and modularity. At a time when the boss of OpenAI is worried about the too-rapid development of its artificial intelligence, here is what we know (and what we don’t know) about this ambitious project.

What Is GPT-5?

GPT-5 is the acronym for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 5. It is a language model, an artificial intelligence system capable of understanding and producing text, speech, code, or images from textual data. GPT-5 is the fifth version of this model, which started with GPT in 2018, then GPT-2 in 2019, GPT-3 in 2020, and GPT-4 in 2023, a model capable of analyzing images. 

GPT-5 is based on the architecture of transformers, which are artificial neural networks capable of processing data sequences in a parallel and efficient manner. It uses the principle of deep learning, which consists of training the model on large quantities of data to learn to recognize patterns and reproduce them. GPT-5 is pre-trained on a vast data corpus, including texts from the Internet, books, articles, social networks, etc. 

This pre-training allows him to acquire a general knowledge of the language and its rules. GPT-5 can then be tailored to specific tasks, such as translating, writing, speaking, etc., using additional data related to those tasks. GPT-5 is the most potent model created by OpenAI, arguably by humanity. 

It should significantly exceed the performance of GPT-4, which already had 175 billion parameters, that is, adjustable variables that determine the model’s behavior. According to some estimates, the exact number of GPT-5 parameters has not been revealed, but it could be as high as a trillion. GPT-5 is also expected to use advanced optimization and parallelization techniques to reduce the time and cost of its training.

When Is The GPT-5 Release Date?

OpenAI continued its rapid progress in developing its Large Language Models (LLM). GPT-4 launched on March 14, 2023, just four months after the launch of GPT-3.5, alongside ChatGPT. An initial report indicated that training for GPT-5 was expected to be completed by December 2023, which could have led to its potential launch in 2024. However, the latest official statements from OpenAI claim that GPT -5 will be released immediately, at least after 2025 or even 2026. GPT-3.5 is available with ChatGPT for free, while GPT-4 is reserved for ChatGPT Plus. 

We can assume that GPT-5 will first arrive on ChatGPT Plus, which costs around twenty euros monthly. We’ll wait to see if these more advanced models are available on the free ChatGPT tool. Bing Chat was secretly launched with GPT-4 (not GPT -3.5), even before this model was announced. We could see a similar thing happening with GPT-5.

What Will Be New In GPT-5?

GPT-5 should bring significant new features compared to previous versions: it is even said that it will be very close to human intelligence. These new features include support for video, reduction of hallucinations, customization, and modularity.

Video Support

GPT-5 will be the first OpenAI model to process video format, in addition to text, speech, code, and image, Sam Altman announced in a podcast (below). This means that it will be able to analyze and generate videos from text data, for example, by creating a clip from a description or describing the content of a video. This capability represents a considerable technical challenge, as video involves processing multimodal, temporal, and spatial data.

Reduction Of Hallucinations

GPT-5 is expected to be more reliable and accurate than previous models, avoiding producing erroneous or invented responses called hallucinations. This problem is caused by the fact that language models need to gain actual knowledge of the world but only rely on the data they have seen during their training. GPT-5 should be able to verify the integrity of the information it generates using external sources or by referring to context. He should also be able to recognize and report his uncertainties.

Customization And Modularity

GPT-5 is expected to be more customizable and modular than previous models, allowing users to choose and combine the features they want to use. For example, it should be possible to select the level of formality, creativity, or humor of the model or to give it a particular personality or style. Connecting the model to other tools or applications should also be possible.

What Will Be The Uses Of GPT-5?

In the conversation domain, GPT-5 should conduct natural and relevant conversations with users using text or speech. He should be able to answer questions, give information, provide advice, tell stories, make jokes, etc. It should also be able to adapt to each person’s profile, needs, and preferences, creating a personalized and empathetic relationship. GPT-5 could thus be used as a virtual assistant, a coach, a teacher, a therapist, etc.

Although healthcare professionals do not recommend the use of chatbots for self-diagnosis, far from it, GPT-5 could be used to help doctors diagnose diseases, develop new treatments, and communicate with their patients. Patients. GPT-5 should be able to write quality texts in different genres and formats. It should be able to respect the language’s grammatical, spelling, and stylistic rules and the instructions and objectives given by users.

It should also be able to generate original, creative, and coherent texts, avoiding plagiarism or repetition. It should be used as a fundamental tool to help with writing, revision, translation, synthesis, etc. In the generation field, GPT-5 should be able to generate multimodal content, such as images, code, or sounds, but especially videos, from textual data. 

He should be able to create realistic, aesthetic content adapted to requests. It should also be able to modify, improve, or transform existing content using techniques such as style transfer, super-resolution, and Deepak e. A development that some see as a great source of concern and misinformation. GPT-5 could thus be used as a tool for creating, editing, restoring, etc. 

Or he is manipulating content. In education, GPT-5 could provide personalized tutorials, create immersive learning experiences, and help students develop communication and critical thinking skills. GPT-5 could generate reports, translate documents, draft contracts, and even create new product ideas in the enterprise.

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