Gmail Vs. Outlook: Which Email To Choose?

Gmail Vs. Outlook

Gmail Vs. Outlook: Which Email To Choose?

In 2023, almost everyone will have an email address! Whether for personal or business use, choosing the right email service provider is essential. Two big players currently dominate the email market: Gmail and Outlook. Both are reliable, free, and have a wide variety of features. However, they have a few differences and offer varying benefits depending on your needs.

Gmail Vs. Outlook: A Short Presentation

Gmail is the free email administration presented by Google. It was first introduced in 2004 and has since become very popular. It currently has over 1.8 billion users worldwide. With a Gmail account, you can access almost all services available from Google. For example, it is possible to integrate Google Drive, Google Contacts, Calendar, and Docs for better functionality.

Outlook is Microsoft’s official email service. Formerly called Hotmail, it is one of the first webmail services created, with over 500 million users today. Outlook works in integration with other Microsoft products, like OneDrive and Skype. It is accessible in free and paid adaptations.

User Interface

The interface of Gmail and Outlook is very different visually and in terms of usability. Each offers a unique experience tailored to its users. Gmail presents, without a doubt, the best interface among all email providers, even if it looks a bit cluttered. Created in a sleek and intuitive design, it stands out for its ease of use. 

The interface is focused on efficient email management, with category organization and a priority inbox feature that automatically categorizes essential emails. The great strength of the Gmail interface is customization. You can change the look and feel, add a background image, or use a specific theme. 

For its part, Outlook has a clear and light interface. It is divided into two main strips: the menu, which displays the list of folders and categories, and the section, which displays the list of your emails. A toolbar is placed at the top, which gives you many options. For customization, Outlook only allows changing the color of links.

Organization Of Emails

The better organization gives you quick access to your emails. Outlook offers few options for categorizing messages. All your emails are displayed on a single page. The only possibility you have is to classify them by colors. You can sort your emails into categories: Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, and Blue. Outlook also allows the creation of new folders in which you can move emails.

In contrast, Gmail is the king of organization. Your emails are automatically sorted into five categories: Main, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums. Thus, you will find all your messages in the main folder and the advertisements in the promotions. Another exciting feature of Gmail is the label. It allows you to tag your emails to classify and organize them. This option helps you find your conversations faster and save time.

App Integrations

Gmail and Outlook have several apps designed to make your life easier and more productive. Google services are necessary for the majority of Internet users today. For example, several companies use Google Docs to edit documents. If you use a Google product, you should therefore opt for Gmail. It allows you to integrate different services like Google+, Docs, Contacts, Android, or Google Drive. 

A single Gmail address is enough for you to access all these applications. Besides, many Chrome extensions can also be added to Gmail to improve functionality. With Outlook, the integration is also at a higher level. As it is a Microsoft product, you can therefore integrate the services of the American brand, such as OneDrive, Skype, Office Online, or Bing.

 For example, you can attach files to your emails through OneDrive. Managing documents by email is done with the Office Online service. Several add-ons are available on Outlook, such as Evernote, Grammarly, and Boomerang.

Storage And Limits

If you’re emailing large files, storage space, and additional limits are essential. Outlook offers 5 GB storage space. As far as possible, for connections is 35 MB. However, there is no limit if you attach the files from OneDrive Storage. In Gmail, the storage space is more significant. 

You’re allowed 15GB, which is excellent. However, this 15 GB is shared with Google Drive and Google Photos. As for the size of the attachments, it is limited to 25MB. Google Drive integration allows you to send large photos or videos.


Outlook has an encryption feature that you can use to protect your emails. Only it does not work automatically. You have to click on it every time you send an email, which could be more convenient. You could be at significant risk if you forget to encrypt a sensitive message.

Email encryption, on the other hand, is automatic with Gmail. It uses Transport Layer Security TLS to encrypt your message while in transit. It thus offers an additional layer of security for optimal data protection.


Both email services have free versions. However, Gmail is more efficient. Most Outlook users choose to pay to use Microsoft Office 365. Gmail’s paid plans start at $6 monthly for 30GB of cloud storage. Outlook ones start at $6.99 per month. Gmail is then the most affordable solution in terms of price. But if you need to use the Office suite software (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), it is more interesting to pay for Outlook.


Choosing the best email messaging service is a challenging task. Gmail and Outlook both offer great features. They also each have their weaknesses. The best way to choose is to stick to your preferences and needs. If you are not very computer-savvy and use your email to read and reply to your emails, you can opt for Outlook. This service offers a simple interface with standard features.

On the other hand, if you like to exploit the available features and integrations fully, Gmail is a better choice. Gmail can work with all Google products Google Drive, Photos, Contacts, etc. It offers an optimized mail categorization feature. The security of your data is also guaranteed. Gmail is, therefore, the best choice for a productive email experience.

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