Five Advantages Of Cloud Computing For Your Business

Five Advantages Of Cloud Computing For Your Business

Five Advantages Of Cloud Computing For Your Business

Have you ever heard of cloud computing for your business, it may seem a distant reality from yours, but it is not. If you access email online, pay bills via internet banking, or have already saved a photo on the web, congratulations, you are in the cloud!

The concept of cloud computing for your business is comprehensive. Simply put, it means accessing files, programs, or computing resources (such as memory or processing) that are not on your computer over a network. For example, you don’t need to have anything installed on your computer to use your webmail. It is also not stored anywhere on your machine when you send an email. The message is stored on a server that can be anywhere in the world.

And, having an internet connection available, you can also access it from any computer, tablet, or cell phone, anywhere in the world. This is cloud computing for your business and you don’t want to be left behind, do you? Then learn about some of the benefits that technology can bring to your business:

Cost Reduction

One of the advantages of cloud computing is that you only pay for what you use. In the past, a company that wanted to use more robust management software, for example, had to buy its servers to install it. And that wasn’t cheap. It was also expected that, after purchasing a powerful machine to meet a peak period in processing, the company will leave with idle capacity.

In the cloud computing for your business model, the company “leases” the hardware capacity for the period it wants, paying only for the resources it needs. It works like this: you identify how much storage or processing you need and hire a plan that fits that need. If in the next month the demand decreases, you change plans and pay less. Another option is to pay for consumption after using the resources – as you pay for water or energy.

Flexibility, Agility, Scalability

Another benefit that becomes clear by analyzing the process described above is flexibility. That is, you can decide to increase or decrease your technology infrastructure whenever you want.

If your business is growing fast, you don’t need to make significant investments and waste time planning to buy a new server. You “turn on the faucet,” and you have more resources at your disposal, automatically. This is especially useful for those dealing with seasonal businesses, which have peaks and valleys of movement.

Equal Access To Cutting-Edge Technology

Cloud computing allows even small companies to have access to cutting-edge technology resources. Before, buying a state-of-the-art server would probably have been out of the question for a company with just a few employees.

Today, your application may be running on the same server as a large company. And this is only possible because you only pay for a “little piece” of that machine – but you can have access to all its power.

Software As A Service

So far, we’ve talked about hardware. That is, how you can “rent” storage or processing capacity on remote servers. But another offshoot of cloud computing is the offering of software as a service. In this model, instead of “renting” a virtual machine. You pay for the right to use software without having to buy it outright. You can, for example, hire financial control and  CRM  (customer relationship) software for only a tiny amount per month per user.

In addition to being more affordable and flexible, the model has other advantages. Every time the software will update. For example, you have access to the newest version without paying extra for it and spending time installing updates. When you hire new employees, increase the number of subscriptions. And if you decide to stop using the tool, stop subscribing to the service.

Greater Supplier Commitment

The cloud computing model tends to change the relationship between seller. And customer since the excellence of the service provided must be continuous. If you will not satisfy with the service providing, you can switch providers without significant impacts on your business. This requires special attention from the service provider to win the “customer.”

Also Read: The Distributed Cloud: What Is It Exactly?

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