Does Google’s MAGI Project Herald The End Of SEO?

Google's MAGI

Does Google’s MAGI Project Herald The End Of SEO?

Google chose the MAGI project as the code name to announce the revolution of its search engine. At the end of this project, artificial intelligence will generate the results provided by it. Far from pleasing everyone, this announcement made many professionals shudder, particularly those in SEO. Indeed, what use is there in having the best-referenced site in a world where an AI directly answers the Internet user’s query? Once launched, wouldn’t this revolution sound the death knell for SEO? Find out the answer to this question and more in this comprehensive report on Google’s MAGI project.

What Is The MAGI Project?

Google is undeniably a successful company. A leader without real competition in the search engine market, the site is one of the busiest in the world. So why is the company behind this global success seeking to change a recipe that still works? Why is she risking everything with the MAGI project?

A Project To Respond To The Competition

The MAGI project is Google’s response to competitors (new and recent) who are starting to eat up market share thanks to AI’s advantages. These include Chat GPT, whose success has left no one indifferent, and Bing. The search engine has indeed seen its number of users increase significantly following the integration of the famous chatbot. Faced with the evolution of these opponents, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) could not afford to remain inactive. However, the MAGI project is not their first attempt. 

Google initially launched its artificial intelligence to compete with Chat GPT, Bard. However, the project failed, causing the Mountain View firm to lose a lot of credibility (and money). Therefore, the MAGI project is Google’s second attempt to exploit artificial intelligence’s potential. It exploits the lessons learned from BARD’s failure but with a slightly different approach.

What Approach Has Google Chosen With The MAGI Project?

Like Chat GPT and BARD, the artificial intelligence of the MAGI project is based on a language model. In this case, the LaMbda language model is the same one used for BARD. This language model, as efficient as competitors, is capable of conducting fluid conversations on various topics in several languages. Likewise, with his quasi-human comprehension abilities, he can contextualize a request. 

AI can thus provide an appropriate response in each situation, unlike the current search engine. However, as we previously announced, the chosen approach is entirely different and can be summed up in three words: Search Generative Experience. This new way of considering a search engine specific to the MAGI project brings many innovations.

What Are The Advantages Of Redesigning The Search Engine With The MAGI Project?

The main innovation the MAGI project and the Search Generative Experience brings is the instantaneous responses to Internet users’ queries. Indeed, as the success of chatbots proves, Internet users prefer to have an answer directly rather than looking for it. This observation, a pillar of the SGE, was considered by Google in modernizing the eponymous search engine. This results in generative AI, which understands and answers the questions directly.

The MAGI Project, For An Interactive Search Engine

One of the key promises of the MAGI project is a much more pleasant user experience when using the search engine. Indeed, thanks to the contribution of generative artificial intelligence, it will now be possible to have a conversation with your search engine. Instead of the question that sends you to 1000 websites, you will now have a conversation bubble with the AI. Inquiring minds for whom an answer only leads to another question will no longer have to bother. 

They will only have to enter their new question to get the answer, thus starting a dialogue with potentially omniscient intelligence. Better yet, interactivity isn’t the only way the MAGI project can improve your daily life with Google. As you talk with the AI, you will realize that it will adapt to you. So you’ll feel like you’re asking questions to a friend rather than to a cold, impersonal machine.

Likewise, thanks to the language models integrated into it, the AI ​​behind the MAGI project will be able to understand the context of a request. This may seem trivial, but depending on your personality and previous research, the AI ​​can provide you with a more appropriate answer. So you can say goodbye to long hours spent scrolling to find your desired item. If you allow it, artificial intelligence can offer you lists of pre-selected options, answers to questions you may have, or items to buy.

Amazing New Features

Beyond improving the user experience during searches, the MAGI project aims to be a valid technological showcase for Google. So, in addition to conversational artificial intelligence, it includes several features that will make Google much more than a simple search engine. The first is Tivoli Tutor, a language learning system integrated into the search engine. We also have the GIFI tool, which, like other AI tools, will allow the generation of images based on Internet users’ requests. 

Finally, to perfect Google’s ecosystem, the MAGI project also plans to add artificial intelligence to Chrome’s browser. After this stage, it would not be surprising to see AI natively integrated into the brand’s other products. These include smartphones, computers, and why not Google’s virtual assistant, which would become one of the best on the market?

Is The MAGI Project An Opportunity Rather Than The Beginning Of The End?

The MAGI project will be a real revolution with these new features and ambitious objectives. Like any revolution, it should upset the established order and modify, among other things, the impact of SEO, which is essential today for Google to be well positioned. Let’s find out to what extent and how to adapt to this new state of affairs.

MAGI Project: What Impact On SEO?

Unfortunately, the MAGI project should make SEO’s current impact almost obsolete. In fact, being the first web page suggested by Google will no longer have the same reach because the answer you propose will already be visible to the Internet user. However, that doesn’t mean you should give up. Website recommendations will not disappear; they will just be based on other criteria. 

For example, Google’s artificial intelligence is required to show its sources, thus offering the user the possibility of consulting them to deepen their research. You will, therefore, always need to produce quality content, which is one of the pillars of SEO. In addition to this opportunity to appear as a source, the MAGI project offers other exciting possibilities to companies. Learning the game’s new rules would help you adapt quickly.

Local Packs Are More Enjoyable Than Ever With The MAGI Project

Local packs play an essential role in the marketing strategy of small and medium-sized businesses. Local SEO, as it is sometimes called, makes it possible to target customers living in the company’s geographic area and obtain a more exciting conversion rate. The MAGI project, far from making this form of marketing obsolete, aims to make it even more precise. This includes integrating geolocation data from Google Maps into the algorithm’s decision-making process. 

Artificial intelligence could go even further. She could use Google business listings and customer reviews to recommend a store. For example, a customer searching for a nearby restaurant would be directly offered restaurants with the best pedigree by the AI. Thus, Internet users and businesses will be offered an enriched and more precise local search experience. You will need to ensure that your company meets the AI ​​criteria to benefit from it.

Ads Optimized With The MAGI Project

Contrary to what one might think, the MAGI project does not signal the end of advertisements. Advertisements represent the majority of search engine revenue sources, so it is impossible for him to decide to deprive himself of them. Like SEO, advertisements will undergo profound changes. They will be less random, more complete, and more precise. Therefore, they should annoy Internet users less, thus increasing the conversion rate. For example, an advertisement for a watch will generally be offered to an Internet user who has launched a query containing this keyword. The watch will be offered to him in the conversation bubble with its main characteristics, its price, and a link to purchase it.

MAGI Project: How Do We Adapt So As Not To Perish?

Think EEAT

The acronym EEAT, which, when translated, gives the words experience, expertise, authority, and trust, represents the four factors on which Google bases itself to evaluate the reliability of a site. Once the MAGI project has been implemented, other factors (notably those influencing SEO) will have less influence. It will, therefore, be the EEATs that will determine which sites will be the most visible). 

To prepare for the advent of the MAGI project, you must rework your site with these four words in mind: Make sure you produce well-made content with quality sources. Ideally, you should ONLY produce content about topics or objects that you have actually interacted with. For example, you could do product tests and give your impressions on current issues or a situation in your life. Doing so can provide accurate and authentic information to search engines.

Diversify Your Content

In recent years, the trend has been towards diversification of content, even on Google. The platform now takes into account videos, images, and even texts from previously unimaginable sources like TikTok and Facebook. The MAGI project will continue in this direction and even amplify it. Therefore, you will have every interest in being present on all fronts to increase your visibility. By doing so, you will increase your chances of being selected as a source for one of the artificial intelligence responses.

The MAGI Project: Only Positives?

Despite its specific advantages and increased visibility opportunity, the MAGI project could be better. Betting everything on artificial intelligence is a gamble that carries its share of risks. Indeed, many queries cannot be answered satisfactorily with AI. These include, for example, sensitive requests and explicit requests. We can also cite navigation queries and recipes linked to YLYM subjects. In addition to these requests that are difficult to satisfy for artificial intelligence, the MAGI project remains a project. Features are released sparsely and are often subject to bugs. The road to a Search Engine Experience is still long.

The MAGI Project And SEO: What Should You Remember?

In summary, the launch of the MAGI project does not signal the end of SEO. However, she still deals him a big blow. Indeed, if the basic principles of SEO (producing rich, diverse, and quality content) remain and will always be helpful as a source, they are losing their interest. To be visible, you will need to take care of your website more than just. Also, only artificial intelligence will determine which content should be highlighted. The fear of a web and Google increasingly focused on paid advertising content is all the more legitimate. What do you think?

Read Also: SERP Volatility: What Is It And How To Deal With It?

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