Database Security: What To Worry About

Database Security: What To Worry About

Database Security: What To Worry About

Database security is one of the biggest concerns for today’s companies. Or at least, it should be. Care must be taken for organizations of all sizes and segments to ensure their information’s integrity, reliability and availability.

With the General Data Protection Law coming into force this year, projections for the field of database security tend to increase, as is already happening around the world. 

Research indicates that the cybersecurity sector is growing, present among the ones that will receive the most investment from companies globally in 2020 and with excellent prospects for the generation of work.

This is not a big surprise, given that today, information security is seen as a more than necessary condition to guarantee the improvement of the company’s performance and to ensure its operations’ future.

In this article, we will talk about the importance of investing in database security and show what practical actions can contribute to the success of this strategy.

What Does Database Security Mean?

A database is an environment where various information about a business is gathered. In other words, it is a system that controls all the processes of a company, aiming to deliver a quality product to customers.

Employees naturally access this system in their work routines. For database security not to be compromised by accidents or intentional threats, it is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of three pillars: integrity, availability and reliability.


When we talk about integrity, we are talking about guaranteeing that the information manipulated in the system will remain preserved in its original characteristics. 

In other words, this aspect is directly linked to the control of changes made to the system and the entire preservation of the data life cycle, based on origin, maintenance and destruction.


Availability is the principle of ensuring that data will always be available for legitimate use. This means that those duly authorized will always have access to the system. 


Of course, reliability means imposing limits on access to the data in question. Not everyone will have access to them, but reliable people need to manipulate this information, including making changes if necessary.

Importance Of Database Security

As we can see, database security comprises measures to protect data in two areas. She is careful to prevent the system from falling into the hands of unauthorized personnel and is also concerned about who has access to it. The importance of having all this control lies in the company’s survival. 

We know that data collection is essential to direct a company in the market, discover the consumer profile, outline sales strategies and remain competitive in the market.

That is why organizations are increasingly investing in Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, among other technologies that facilitate this study of data and allow us to make valuable predictions.

How To Ensure Database Security?

Ensuring complete database security against undue access and accidents is almost impossible. Mainly because technology is constantly evolving and security systems are rapidly becoming outdated.

But it is essential to say that companies can delay this process and that, with some simple measures, it is possible to prevent your database from being harmed.

With the practices listed below, you will already take care of the basics of adequate database security. Check out:

Back Up The Data

Losing all information is the worst-case scenario for anyone who has a database. For this reason, backing up your data regularly is essential. This is because situations such as system failures or even power outages can put everything at risk.

Opting for automated processes aimed at the corporate market, for example, they carry out this process automatically and can still count on antivirus that prevents leaks.

Use Encryption

One of the essential items for database security is encryption. This technology guarantees extra protection so only those authorized to access it can view the data.

This prevents, for example, the interception by hackers who try to take advantage of the access of authorized people to create an opportunity for intrusion, causing information leakage.

Create A Firm Password Policy

A positive strategy to strengthen the passwords of employees who have access to the system is to create a policy for updating them.

Periodically it is ideal that the codes are updated and that the system itself requires this change, barring access to those who do not comply with the schedule.

Also Read: Cybersecurity In The Banking Sector

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