Continuous learning For Success In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Continuous learning For Success In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

The future of work depends not only on technology but also on the ability of individuals to use and adapt to it. This is why we need to push for training, which also becomes a crucial factor in adopting new models that allow for a better balance between humans and digital. Over the last year, Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT have started to influence business habits, introducing a new and profound change in work processes and learning methods.

If the objective is to remain competitive, companies cannot avoid integrating these two tools. According to the latest Cegos Observatory Barometer “Transformations, skills and learning” (which involved over 5,000 employees and 480 HR managers of companies with over 50 employees, with an Italian sample of 10% for both targets), 48 % of HR Managers already identify Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and new ways of working (40%) as the factors with the greatest impact on organizations in terms of skills development. 

Thus, 42% of HRs see the consolidation of digital skills as an imperative. 63% think of using AI to personalize courses, while only 10% have already used it as a training resource. Meanwhile, 31% of employees say they employ or have already used generative AI tools – such as ChatGPT – to train, and 40% plan to do so shortly.

The Effects Of ChatGPT On The World Of Work

ChatGPT is, moreover, the first large language model freely available and usable by everyone, and the fact that, in just five days after launch, it reached its first million users testifies to the interest and transversality of this technology in working life and personal life. At the same time, all people – whose roles and areas of responsibility have changed due to digitalization – must first familiarize themselves with many AI-related topics and then adapt. 

What is the strategic role of businesses? They must focus decisively on continuous training programs to provide employees with targeted support and help them get on the right foot. Learning, therefore, must become an integral part of corporate culture, focusing on how to work with AI to remain competitive. 

Also,  companies find themselves at a crossroads: either they integrate these tools into their work processes in an organized way, increasing efficiency and quality, or their customers will purchase better and cheaper products and services from competitors. Therefore, the opportunity is to see ChatGPT and AI as catalysts for the Digital Transformation necessary for the company, leveraging continuous learning to stimulate creativity. However, their integration into work processes is not simply a question of technological implementation but requires a profound understanding of the potential and limits of AI.

When Continuous Training Becomes A Crucial Factor

For managers, it means not only familiarizing themselves with new tools but also identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and gaps to fill in teams, guiding and empowering them through change, enhancing the potential that AI can unlock – regardless of where they work -, in the awareness that learning and adapting in an uncertain environment has become a critical success factor.

The future of work does not only depend on technology but on people’s ability to use it and adapt; therefore, continuous training also becomes a crucial factor in addressing The Great Technological Shift, that is, to find new ways of working that allow a better balance between people and technology, whose accelerated post-Covid adoption has inevitably required us to adapt to it as soon as possible.

For HR managers, it means being at the forefront in developing training that needs to be immediately applicable, face-to-face, and at the same time fun, as well as through different methodologies such as adaptive and social learning and e-coaching. A point not to be overlooked is the willingness of 76% of employees to undertake extra-work training courses.

Integrating AI: Some Precautions Are Needed

While many benefits are obvious, organizations must not lose sight of the importance of human relationships and corporate culture, as well as the well-being and health of people. This search for balance in the integration of technologies requires a clear strategy that considers organizational specificities while promoting a collaborative, inclusive, and sustainable work environment.

Among the challenges to be carefully considered, we find the need for specific skills for privacy management, especially in light of the ability of algorithms to process and store large quantities of data and personal information and the implementation of robust security measures to prevent prejudices and discrimination, bias and disparity are reproduced. 

Therefore, ethical principles and guidelines should govern and guide the development and use of AI for responsible purposes. The full potential of AI can, therefore, only be realized through a balanced approach that considers opportunities, challenges, and The Great Technological Shift as the ability to adapt, learn, and grow together with new technologies.

Read Also: How Can AI Be An Asset To Your CSR Strategy?

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