<strong>Complete Guide To Info Products: The Best Way To Earn Online</strong>

online business

Complete Guide To Info Products: The Best Way To Earn Online

If products are the best way to earn online and build a career as a digital entrepreneur. This online business is the easiest way to expose yourself on the web and build a serious, scalable, and respectable business. The info products work very well if you are an entrepreneur who has already started and with a company that works, if you are a professional who wants to grow, and if you are an employee who wants to start his own business. In this article, I will explain what info products are and how to use them to build your online business.

What Is An Info Product?

According to the Association of National Advertisers, the total amount of money spent on digital products in 2017 was $83.9 billion, up 3.9% from $80.9 billion in 2016. Four years have passed since then, there was the pandemic, and the world is amid an unprecedented digital acceleration. That’s why building an info product business could be the key to launching your career as a web entrepreneur.

But What Is An Info Product?

The definition of an info product is “an information product.” An info product can be anything from a book on how to start a business to a video course that teaches you how to create a business plan. It can also be an ebook, a subscription membership, or even an online service like an accounting firm.

Unlike physical products, digital ones do not require material support (but they can use it if they want) An info product is a digital training product that assembles, organizes, and structures the information necessary to solve a problem or to achieve a particular desire.

 It is exactly like a normal product or service that you can request from an expert, only instead of being delivered personally to you through consultancy or classroom lessons; it is distributed in books, ebooks, or video courses via the Internet, Here are some examples of info products:

  1. a paper book that helps dog owners educate their companion
  2. online martial arts courses
  3. ebook on how to overcome shyness
  4. online seminar to solve children’s self-esteem problems
  5. CD with Latin American dance lessons

Infoproducts have always existed in their most famous format: books. If you like, even the books we use at school are info products: in fact, they contain information that helps us solve a problem or learn a certain skill.

Why Sell Information?

We have said that info products are collected and organized information. A first doubt arises: with all the information that is out there for free, why should people be willing to pay for it? There are a lot of good reasons:

  1. The fact that there is a lot of free information does not mean it is useful.
  2. The confusion generated by this excess of information is such that people want someone expert to turn to
  3. People need complete and coherent training courses, not fragments taken at random from one side to the other (often conflicting)
  4. We usually consume paid information: books, magazines, newspapers, TV series, and films; all information is collected and organized logically and sequentially.

People hunger for knowledge to solve their problems and seek someone authoritative and prepared to help them solve them. For this reason, the info business is one of the best business models in this historical period.

Main Advantages In The Sale Of Info Products

Why would you want to sell info products online? For a billion good reasons:

  1. It’s a scalable business that can grow without taking your time.
  2. generates passive income
  3. Spread your authority and your notoriety
  4. They are the best products to generate leads (interested contacts) for your high-cost products or services.
  5. They have very low production costs; once created, you can sell them for a long time.
  6. They change people’s lives for the better.
  7. They help position you as an expert.
  8. If you are an employee, they allow you to start your online business with very low risk and little investment of money.
  9. As a professional, you can package some of your knowledge into a course and sell it automatically, freeing up a huge part of your time to grow.
  10. If you are an entrepreneur, they are an excellent way to teach employees the know-how needed by the company. They can also help you build a liquid business and elevate your branding.

It would help if you started your own digital product sales business. The main advantage, however, is the possibility of using info products as the basis of your value ladder.

Types Of Digital Info Products

What are the main categories of online info products? We can divide them by support, like this:

  1. ebooks
  2. PDFreports
  3. Paper books
  4. Digital books
  5. Video Courses
  6. Online communities
  7. Webinars and seminars
  8. Coaching
  9. podcast (audio info product)

Or we could divide them by type of information product, as in these examples:

  1. professional online training courses
  2. Step-by-step guides on a specific problem
  3. Tutorial on how to learn to use a software
  4. Recipe videos
  5. Live workshops to learn certain specific skills
  6. Video procedures on how to perform a certain work process
  7. Video course + text on how to overcome anxiety
  8. CrossFit workout videos

As you can see, there is no limit to the type of products that can be created and sold. If you have a skill in demand in the market, you can almost certainly make a product out of it and sell it.

Can You Make Money Selling Info Products?

Yes, of course! I have sold training products earning many hundreds of thousands of euros. As I mentioned, an info product is like any other product or service. Instead of being delivered personally by you through consultations or classroom lectures, it’s distributed in books, ebooks, or video courses, over the Internet.

But it can be challenging. Obviously, as in any other online business (and like any entrepreneurial activity), you need to invest in training, technology, and tools. The nice thing, however, is that while it takes at least 50k to start a traditional business (or many more… such as 200k in the case of a restaurant), 3-5000 euros are enough to create your info product business.

And a good coach who teaches you step by step how to sell info products from scratch. How to create and sell an info product from scratch In this step of the article, I will show you everything you need to set up an online business based on selling info products. Let’s start with the tools.

What Does It Take To Sell Info Products?

  1. your website
  2. an autoresponder (for email marketing, which we’ll talk about shortly)
  3. a payment manager


Your website is the foundation of your business and should look as professional as possible. And finally, it must be optimized for search engines (SEO). If your site doesn’t rank well on Google, people won’t find it. This means less traffic and, therefore, fewer sales. So make sure you invest in a website that has the right features. If you already have a website, many sites offer low-cost SEO services that can help you optimize your site.


On the other hand, the autoresponder is used to send emails to people asking them to buy your product. An autoresponder is a tool that automatically sends a sequence of email messages. It helps you to send automated emails to your potential buyers or subscribers in a specific way. Best of all, it fully automates the marketing automation of the business. It sends communications, tracks user behavior, and delivers digital products when purchased, even while you sleep.

Payment Manager

I am referring to a system that allows you to receive payments from customers through transactions on their credit card and credited to your current account. It is what allows you to get paid for your products. Very famous and used in this regard are Stripe and Paypal.

How To Create Your Info Product

Now that you have the infrastructure, it’s time to start thinking about WHAT to sell.

Choose Your Product

Creating info products starts with choosing the skill you want to teach. If you are a professional or an entrepreneur, it should be very easy. Think of something that:

  1. many ask you
  2. it’s simple to understand
  3. it doesn’t cost customers much
  4. it takes a lot of your time

For an accountant, it could be: how to deduct more costs and pay less tax For a photographer: digitization course of old photos. For a Plumber: Installing a DIY Sink Trap If you are an employee, instead, think about the intersection of these important pillars:

  1. What people want
  2. What do you know enough to teach
  3. What do you like to do

Create The Skeleton Of The Product

It is important to think of a skeleton or backbone of the product because the final structure will be based on it. Then you will have to choose the main topics you will cover, then decide which content to create. If you have an idea of ​​the content you want to create for each topic, you can easily choose the right topics by looking at the most popular keywords on Google.

Once you’ve chosen a topic and its keywords, it’s time to research a topic of interest. You can find it in many places: YouTube, Facebook groups, blogs, forums, etc. Also, do some research and see if there are any related topics you can add to your product. Ultimately, it would help if you found what content is right for your product and how to make it the best. Here is a possible process:

  1. define the product title
  2. brainstorm several headline-related ideas
  3. search on Amazon, Youtube, and Google, what information to add to enrich the structure
  4. finally, order everything you have found in chapters and paragraphs to create a logical and sequential flow of notions that must be learned and learned

Jot Down The Content

Now that you have the info product skeleton, start detailing each chapter and paragraph more and more. For now, please keep it simple, using Bullet Lists like the ones you often find in my articles. This way, you won’t get lost in the details and form, but you will stay focused on the flow of information to be transmitted. Once the skeleton is very detailed, start filling each section with descriptive parts, metaphors, and examples.

Use A Suitable Structure.

Ideally, you could use this structure for each of your chapters (and also for the general course)

  1. Explain what this chapter will be about
  2. demonstrates why it is important for them to learn
  3. It illustrates the series of steps they have to take in practice
  4. Give a practical example
  5. Explain how to tell if they learned the right way
  6. Tell an anecdote of how the top players approach that problem

If you follow this structure, you will go very fast and find it easy to produce large amounts of content.

How To Sell Your Information Products

Now that you have all this content, it’s time to start promoting it. Digital marketing is the most expensive part of any online business, so making it as profitable as possible is essential. You can start by creating your sales funnel. It consists of 3 stages:

  1. pre-salt
  2. salt
  3. after-sales


Your goal is to get the user to buy your product. You will need to attract targeted visitors to your website with the product you want to sell. But first, you must have researched a niche market that wants to spend on the chosen topic. At that point, thanks to the quality content you produce or advertising campaigns, you will be able to:

  1. capture their attention by showing how you can solve their problem
  2. arouse their interest by showing them the benefits they will feel when they buy your info product
  3. trigger the desire by making them imagine the transformation their life will undergo next
  4. capture their email address in exchange for a free resource or a good ebook

Suppose you do everything right with content that shows your authority and expertise. In that case, you can create effective lead generation and thus have many contacts to re-contact with your email communications until your potential customers are persuaded to buy yours. product


You will need to create an offer that matches the needs of your ideal customers. You can find plenty of resources on how to do this, but the best way to learn is to test different offerings and see what works.

For example, you can use different landing pages, target specific problems, and A/B test your offers. That way, you see which works best and increase your conversion rate. If you have a blog, you can include a signup form on your website and posts to appeal to a particular market segment and understand if they are buying more than your average visitors.

Or You can select a specific type of customer and send them a special offer with a coupon or discount code and see what happens. You’ll want to track how many sales and leads you get from your Facebook ads, organic traffic, and referrals and then figure out how much you spend on acquiring a customer. This way, you will have parameters on which to base yourself to improve conversion processes and scale your business.


Once the customer buys, you’ll need to keep them engaged and keep communicating with them. If you don’t, they will forget about you, and you won’t have a chance to sell to them again. This is where social media and email marketing come into play. It will allow you to send emails to your ideal customers and get feedback, allowing you to improve your offer and your sales process.

Examples Of Successful Info Products

In this final section, I show you a list of successful info product creators so that you can get inspired and understand the enormous potential of this business.

  1. Tony Robbins: Estimated net worth of $600 million
  2. David De Angelo: Estimated net worth of $20 million
  3. Ramith Sethi: Estimated net worth of $25 million
  4. Andrea Giuliodori: turnover of 2 million euros/year (in 2019)
  5. David Carelse: turnover of 200 thousand euros/year (in 2019)

Tax Aspects

The sale of info products should be seen as an online sales activity. As long as you stay below 65,000 euros a year, you can use the flat-rate scheme, which is very convenient and practical. For more information on the tax aspects of info products, you can learn more here.


In summary, online digital products are one of the most passive income formats you can choose. With this method, you can make money even while you sleep! If you’re looking for a way to create passive income, digital products are one of the best ways to do it. You can start building your product now by following the instructions above. 

This article is part of my “How to Build a Successful Online Business” series, where I share my knowledge and experience with you, step by step. I also have other paid products, but if you want to start an online business without spending thousands of dollars building a website or product, I suggest you check out this free article, as it is designed to help you get started and grow.

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