Cloud Computing: Benefits For Your Company

Cloud Computing: Benefits For Your Company

Cloud Computing: Benefits For Your Company

In this post, we explore the cloud computing benefits brings to organizations and separate some tips to implement this technology in your company.

We can say that technology has helped companies to continue their business during the outbreak of the new coronavirus. But digging deeper into what exactly has been key to enabling people to work from home and businesses to maintain business-critical services, there is one truth: cloud computing.

For many organizations, business continuity has been made possible by cloud computing. Companies that already use, even partially, cloud computing have gone through this process of distancing in a less traumatic way. We can use many startups, which, due to their characteristics, are already born in the “ cloud,” and with that, they make a lot of use of cloud computing.

To have the benefits of adopting this technology, the company must have an implementation strategy, ensuring a smooth cloud migration experience and a post-migration without complications or impacts on the operation of its business. With a good design, your company will have many benefits. Discover the six benefits of migrating your data to the cloud:

Cost Reduction

A survey carried out by Computer World showed that medium-sized companies had more than 25% savings in their costs when adopting cloud systems, unlike in the on-premise modality.

One of the most critical points, especially in times of crisis, is cost reduction. Cloud computing helps organizations reduce capital and operational expenses.

Remember that in the SaaS (Software as a Service) modality, you pay only for what you use, not having to have leftover resources such as memory and CPU. It also helps in reducing costs by managing and maintaining IT resources.


Unlike an on-premise environment, where we need to estimate data center usage by its maximum processing power (Peak Estimation), the cloud benefits organizations to grow their IT infrastructure as needed.

In other words, the cloud infrastructure will keep pace with your business. If necessary, you can expand the infrastructure to support a new need. In low periods, it is possible to reduce the infrastructure so that there is no waste or idle computing resources.

This characteristic is essential in businesses facing seasonality in demand for products or services, as tailored coverage allows the need to be met.


The cloud solution allows organizations to deploy and test applications in the cloud quickly. Using the PaaS cloud computing modality, Platform as a Service, it is possible for the development team to be concerned only with the software deployment, eliminating the need to provide the necessary infrastructure to support the application. With this, the group gains agility, focusing on innovation.

Disaster Recovery

Data protection is the primary need of organizations, having a central role in business continuity. The cloud provides the facility to build a backup site, making it easier for data to be replicated and stored in other data centers, which may be in the same country or even in different countries. Companies can access their data easily and quickly from the cloud, gaining agility, productivity, and business continuity, as the data or information is only in one place but is replicated.

IT Team Optimization And Support For Digital Transformation

Cloud providers are responsible for maintaining the physical components of the data center. In some models of cloud computing, they are responsible for keeping all the software up to date. With this, cloud computing eliminates much of the technical work. In this way, the potential of the IT team can be directed towards developing innovative, strategic solutions for the organization. The role of IT professionals becomes strategic.


As a server or other cloud resources are accessible from anywhere, all internal and external users experience the versatility of accessing these resources.

With firewall features, you can limit who and what each person will have access to. The IT team does not need to be physically in the organization, but in a globally distributed way working in the Home Office regime.

Also Read: How To Migrate To Cloud Computing Safely?

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