6 Tips To Sell More With WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp business

6 Tips To Sell More With WhatsApp Business

With more than 5 billion downloads from the Google app store alone, WhatsApp business is one of the most downloaded apps globally. And is present in about 99% of active smartphones in the world. According to the company, more than 2 billion people are using the app in more than 180 countries.

With this potential of active users – and potential consumers – WhatsApp Business emerged, offering space for companies to do marketing via WhatsApp.

What seemed to be the beginning of yet another channel with advertisements to annoy people turned out better than expected: 64% of the app’s users say they like to receive offers and promotions through the platform.

In addition to being practical, WhatsApp marketing is also well accepted by users. The pandemic accelerated this demand. It is essential to use the app in your Digital Marketing strategies.

In general, 2020 brought drastic changes to Digital Marketing, signifying the way companies and customers relate. And, of course, all these transformations must become permanent and increasingly transitional.

Sell ​​More With WhatsApp Business

Organize The Customers

Selling via WhatsApp requires organization. If you have an extensive list of contacts, a good practice is to rename the references according to your relationship with your business.

For example, this will help your group, those you sell to most often. Whatever your organization’s strategy, the most important thing is that you can create a system that makes your work easier and does not leave any customer waiting for an answer.

Broadcast List

Create a broadcast list and not a WhatsApp group. When you need to send the same message to several users, it is not necessary to forward them one by one. In addition to being cumbersome, it also informs that the content was delivered and not personalized for that client. The tip is to use broadcast lists.

It’s pretty straightforward: you create the list, select all the contacts you want to put in it, and that’s it! Just write the message and send it. It serves, for example, to publicize the arrival of new products or to announce promotions. Important: when using the list, the conversation with each user takes place in a separate window. That is, if someone answers, only you will receive.

Message Schedule

Like any business, when selling through WhatsApp, you will have potential customers at the most varied stages. There will be those who didn’t even know your company until recently.

Others who heard your name as a friend referral are ready to buy. And also, loyal consumers who keep in frequent contact with you and are always prepared for a new purchase. Each stage corresponds to a location in your business’s sales funnel . And, therefore, deserves a specific approach.

This means that you can’t just forward the same message to everyone. It is necessary to respect its particularities and the moment of the relationship with your business. So, quite practically, have a messaging schedule. It should be an instrument that predicts when and how to approach the customer as they enter and advance through your funnel.

Getting this aspect right dramatically increases the chance of helping the customer move to the next level, getting closer to purchase.

Offer Content

You are not prohibited from sending advertisements through WhatsApp, quite the opposite. Just don’t restrict your strategy to that. Increasingly, content offerings are replacing the ostensible sales approach with advantages.

For example, if you sell clothes, you can give your contacts quick tips for folding and storing them without wrinkling. Please do this in text and video format and see how it helps with customer engagement. Even if it is just a forwarded message, you earn “a few points” with it if it has value to the user. When closing a deal, it may be decisive for him to choose you and not the competitor. Don’t be afraid to sell. Just know how to do it.

Single WhatsApp Business For The Entire Team

Today it is also possible for your entire team to serve customers on a single WhatsApp. There are tools on the market where the company puts as many operators as it wants, simultaneously serving on several computers using a single WhatsApp number.

You can transfer calls to groups or individual agents with these tools, create automatic messages, chatbots, and even schedule messages.

Tribe, for example, uses the talk tool. Just hire the agency, create a Manager account, synchronize with your smartphone through the QR Code on the panel, and pass on access to all your attendants. All safely and privately.

WhatsApp Business Link Generator

Trio also has free material for you to create a direct link on your business WhatsApp. The tool that our Tribe makes available to you makes you share your contact through a link instead of the number. It’s fast, safe, easy and free!

The link generator for WhatsApp is an excellent tool for you to direct your contacts directly to the conversation window (chat) of your WhatsApp without registering the number in the phone book. This makes contact between your customers and your business more practical and faster.

You can use this link for personalized WhatsApp messages for relationship actions, promotions, after-sales and marketing. You can even use it in campaigns, social networks, banners, email marketing, etc. Don’t worry: the link works on desktop and mobile the same way.

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